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No. 116 Stephen M. (2007.12.10)
Hi Niki

How are things? I am started to get started into life in korea. It has been a massive change of lifestyle but everyone has been so nice. Tyler and Summer have been so good and helpful and have met some very nice people.

It is a great school and Mr. Yim has been very nice and helpful. I just want to say thank you for setting me up with a great school and for all the work that you did in getting me over here. It was much appreciated.

stephen marshall
No. 115 Michael M. (2007.12.06)
Nikki and Kelly,

I just want to thank you for providing me with such a smooth transition into Seoul. It was so nice to have someone meet us at the airport, and thank you for calling to make sure that everything had gone to plan.

I have only been here at my school for two weeks, but things have beaten my expectations. I am really happy with my apartment. The commute is a breeze. I have received great training, and I am suprised by the high quality of the materials. Most important everyone has been so nice and helpful.

Thanks again! You ladies ROCK!

Michael M.
No. 114 Ryan B. (2007.12.03)
Hi Niki,

Thanks for the info. I've been meaning to email you for ages but keep forgetting. Loving the position and really like the director and staff. They've all made me feel very welcome.

Thanks again,

No. 113 Kendra M. (2007.12.03)
Hi Niki:

I'm all settled in, and am starting my official training at the Songpa campus. I was commuting to Sunae last week, so it is nice to be closer to home!
Things are going very well for me, I am living in the same apartment building as my head teacher, so I have had a lot of guidance. I'm getting out and getting to see some of Korea, meeting up with some friends from home and making friends with my new co-workers.
I would like to thank you for all of the arrangements that you made, and for making my move to Korea go smoothly.
I hope that I will get to meet you sometime.

Take Care,
No. 112 Jeff P. (2007.11.28)
Hey Niki,

I arrived in Seoul yesterday and everything is moving along nicely. Thank you very much for all your help. If anyone asks me about a recruiter for Korea I will recommend you.

Thanks again,
No. 111 Gerry B. (2007.10.31)
Hey niki this is gerry. Everything is going fine. It's been a big adjustment living in korea but I'm doing great. I like Ewha a lot. I've just been getting over a cold so that's why I haven't contacted you yet. I received the documents. I will call you sometime this week. Have a great day.
No. 110 Carly D. (2007.10.02)
Dear Kelly,

I just want to thank you for making the effort to bring me here. I have a great job and everything is going quite well. I have a lot of students, but they have a lot of energy and it makes me happy. The staff at the school has been very kind to me. Thank you for helping me find this job!

Best wishes,
No. 109 Minh D. (2007.10.02)

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to reply to you. Everything is going well here. I think I've finally adjusted and found my groove of things. I still don't speak the language, but I'm working on it.

Hope you are doing well

No. 108 Serge (2007.09.28)
Dear Niki,

I am writing in hope that you are the Niki who had helped me find a teaching position 3 years ago, in Kimcheon-city. I have spotted Park English and assumed that it might be the agency you are working with.

This is a copy of your last message:

Serge I was in New Zealand for Korean Thanksgiving and I just got back to the office now today so there's no way I could've responded earlier,, anyway I took a look at your girl friend's profile and called up a few immigration offices but their replies weren't exactly favorable, so my recommended option is,, for you to ask your director and see if she would call the immigration for a sponsorship for your girl friend's E-6 visa.
I will keep making calls to different places and see how it goes.
Other than that how are you doing?
Niki' Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 12:33 PM)

I still remember you and your indispensable assistance. I left Korea two years ago and now am considering to sign a new teaching contract. Therefore, I would be happy to hear from you so that we could resume our cooperation.

My warmest regards,

No. 107 Kelly E. (2007.09.04)
Hi Niki-

I'm still alive! :) My school is good. I really like the people so far. I work M, T, Th and F with W, S and Su off. So I have a really great schedule this term. The classes are going ok. I really like the younger kids I have on M & F. The feedback from my head instructors has been really positive so far.

I need to make my way over to Itaewon sometime soon. I'll let you know. Hope everything is going super for you!

Best regards,
No. 106 Daniel M. (2007.09.04)
Hi Niki. I'm doing very well so far. I think I'm getting the hang of things around work. I have mostly been teaching younger kids so far. This week I have two new classes with 15-16 year olds. That should be exciting. The environment here sure is different than back home. People are out pretty late almost every night. My place is very nice and the location isn't too bad either(next to Olympic Park which is really pretty). I'm headed to Japan this Wednesday to do my visa run. I also live in an area with not too many foreigners so I think I need to try to learn as much Korean as possible. I heard from Jeanie (our director) that you had gotten sick? If so, I hope you're feeling better.
I really appreciate all your help as well as your concern for how I'm doing. I hope this answers your question. Take care, Niki.

No. 105 Jason P. (2007.09.03)
Hey Niki,

I have been meaning to write you for a long time, but just haven't done it yet, so I'm glad you wrote first. I wanted to write you and thank you very much for finding this place, it is incredible from what I can tell so far, and I am very impressed. From the school environment, to the hours off, to (most of important of all) the city, I really like it all. It is a complete change from Sihwa, and I am happy about that. I did have one question, I do have a friend who is in Korea and is interested in finding a job teaching English. I told her about my good experiences with you and she seemed very keen to come to you herself. I told her I'd email you and ask about it.
I'll let her tell you about herself. Anyway, thank you so much for everything, I really can't tell you how much better it is here and how much happier I am, based on your efforts. I hope you are doing well, and if you need anything, just let me know.

No. 104 Ryan M. (2007.09.03)
It's been a long time. You helped me come to Korea back in December, and I've done quite a poor job of keeping in touch.

I love Korea and have had many great adventures and made many excellent friends.

You once mentioned getting coffee together sometime. I would enjoy talking with you and hearing about your life in Korea, as well as sharing my own experiences so far.

Let me know if you'd be interested and what times work best for you.

Ryan Mortinson
No. 103 Kelsey M. (2007.09.03)
Hi Niki,

So far things are going well at my school. For the most part the kids are great! I laughed when you said I was probably busy with training - I didn't get any training. Landed late Saturday night and Monday morning they told me what books to use and I was teaching. It's going well though.

The area where I live is nice and quiet.

All in all I am really enjoying Korea so far. I won't be able to make it to the dinner this weekend as I am meeting some friends of my cousin.

Take care,
No. 102 Naomi K. (2007.09.03)

Things here are going well. I did quite a bit of research, but nothing could have compared me for just the changes and adjustments that have taken place these last few weeks. Teaching English is going well, I am still getting used to kids needs and cirriculum but am really enjoying the Korean culture.

Thanks for checking up.

No. 101 Michael L. (2007.09.03)
Hi Niki,

I haven't talked to you in a while, and I just wanted to let you know that I've been doing fine here working at POLY. Thanks, and hope all is well with you.


Michael Lee
No. 100 Paul M. (2007.09.01)
hey niki,
i usually don't check this email today was just a fluke. things are going well. I was starting to adjust to the schedule and teaching thenn the new term started and I have to do it all over again. oh well, it's the nature of the beast. other than that Korea is treating me well and I've been enjoying myself so far, thanks for asking. keep me posted when you're coming to Ilsan 'coz it'd be nice to match your face to your voice.
take care for now,
No. 99 Jesse B. (2007.09.01)
Hi Niki,

Things are going good. Just started at chung am yesterday the people and school are nice. Im pretty settled into ecc now it is much less stress than eg. also like living in seoul. you were right in choosing this job sorry if i gave you a hard time. I really appricate your help. thanks for th invite wont make it tonight but like to meet some of the other park teachers soon. BYe
No. 98 Alex N. (2007.09.01)
Hi Nikki,

Sorry to say I will not be able to make this Saturday. I actually have plans to make dinner and watch a TV series with some of the other teachers at my school. However, please keep me updated on other events. So far, I am loving Korea. My school is great, as with all the other teachers and the students. The apartment is fabulous, and so far, I love Bucheon. I can't wait to make a trip to Seoul soon and see the real city. Thanks for your help finding this job, and I hope to hear from you more in the future.

Alex Nicholl
No. 97 Stephen M. (2007.08.31)
Hi Niki,

No news is good news! Marc and I are doing great at our school. Marc found the kindergarten, and I found a bunch of really smart kids! Our boss is cool, and I have met some really great foreign teachers at our school (the Korean teachers are awesome too!)


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