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No. 56 Adam S. (2007.04.30)
Hi Kelly,

Things are going so well here in Seoul. We are loving it here! We are staying very busy at my school, and time seems to be going by so quickly already.
Our living situation is good as well. Just trying to experience as much of Korea as we can. I can never remember my cell number, but when i get home I'll email it to you. Got to go to class now and see my kindergarteners.
Hope all is well for you. Will email you again and call soon.

Kristen and Adam
No. 55 Adam M. (2007.04.06)

I just re-signed with Kinglish for a second year. My director and I came to a very good agreement and I decided to stay another year.

No. 54 Louis L. (2007.03.27)

Thank you for all your help. The job offer you gave me two months ago worked out great. I am now teaching in South Korea. I am still trying to settle in a bit more; just need to start studying Korean. =)

Thanks again for the placement.


Louis Lai
No. 53 Melissa R. (2007.03.14)

The school is great, thank you for such a perfect placement!

i'd like to take a weekend and travel to japan in april. any suggestions on where to go?

Thanks for recruiting me!

No. 52 Amber L. (2007.03.13)
Hello Park English,

You have set me up with a great school here in Seoul. Thanks for everything.

Amber L.
No. 51 Patrick C. (2007.03.13)
Hi Niki,

I just wanted to say thank you and goodbye. My one year in Ansan and in Korea has been very positive. Thank you for working hard to find a placement for me. You have always been very friendly and warm to me on the phone and in person. I'm sure you're doing a wonderful job with current and prospective candidates. They're very lucky to have you on their side. Good luck with everything you pursue and God bless.

No. 50 David L. (2007.03.02)
I love my job and love working in Korea. I will be signing again with my school at the end of the year.

No. 49 William U. (2007.02.15)
Hey Niki,

I am doing very well. I feel like I'm getting the hang of everything. Christina and the EB staff are so, so nice and helpful. Korea is really amazing. Its been so much fun exploring the city, and Jason and I have done a pretty good job so far of seeing some sites. I hope for your sake that you're not working this weekend, but if so, I know that the Park English office is in Itaewon. We could stop by and say hello. It would be nice to finally meet you. I was kind of nervous leading up to my departure date, but everything that you said was true. It would be great to thank you in person. Take care Niki and if I don't see you this weekend have a nice holiday.

No. 48 Stephen M. (2007.02.15)
Hi Niki,

Everything in Korea is great. Teaching is going really well, and I really like the school. The director and the other teachers are extremely nice. They gave Marc and I apartments in the same building which is nice. There are four teachers that live in this building so it is nice to walk home from school with them.

Thank you for all your help.

No. 47 Franco R. (2007.02.15)

Everything is awesome! I love the kids and I love everyone I work with. I am having a blast. I do need a copy of my contract for my records, I accidentally deleted it in my hotmail, and I don't have a hard copy. Sorry about that. Do you happen to have it? Anyhoo, I hope things are well.
No. 46 Francis M. (2007.01.18)
Hi Chris,

Thanks for everything and for helping me find a job in Korea. Living here in Ilsan is great because I am working with great teachers, both foreign and Korean, and they are very supportive and the students are very respectful. I am glad that I made the decision to come here and I will cherish the experience while I am here. Once again Chris, thanks - Francis
No. 45 Cody P. (2007.01.11)
Cessilia, Niki and Chris,
I had a few minutes so I decided to go ahead and write you a short report on what life's like. It's 5 days short of a month of me being here, and I'm really enjoying myself. I'm at a small school (6 teachers and about 50 students, I think), and I'm the only non-Korean teacher. However, my co-workers and principal all speak very good english and have helped me a lot in the adjustment. I have a well-defined lesson plan and a relatively easy schedule, so it's easy to do other things and explore town in the evenings.
I've met a suprising amount of American and Canadian teachers for a city this size (about 300,000), My apartment's a little 3rd floor spread with the traditional heated floor setup, which is a great Korean innovation on cold January mornings.
I'm always finding new things in Chuncheon, both stores and restaraunts that look and taste like home, and cuisine and goods from all over the world. My kids are usually very rewarding to teach (kids will be kids, of course, so some days are easier than others!) but for the most part it's a great job.
Thanks so much for setting me up with such an awesome experience!
No. 44 Phill B. (2007.01.03)
Hi Niki,
Thanks a million. Koreas great, my schools great and the kids are amazing, Ive just finished my first week of teaching and it was so much fun. Youve been so helpful setting all this up and I really am truly grateful. My apartment is in a great area, and is such a nice place. So thanks loads.

hope alls good with you, kindest regards Phill Burns
No. 43 Douglas D. (2007.01.02)
Dear Ms. Lee:
Thank you for your prompt and professional help to me.

I enjoy the students and the staff and the people of Korea very much so I keep much respect and love in my heart for all such good people like you in my job and life in Korea .
I want to work also many more years in the public schools in many beautiful and happy places in Korea.

I thank you very much and the kind and hardworking office and staff for the help in finding this wonderful and happy job of teaching you have helped me with.

I am very happy to live in Korea and teach the wonderful children here in Gyeong Pyeong and I thank you again for your kind and strong help to me for this great job.

I wish you and your family and your staff a very Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year Ms. Lee!


Douglas D.
No. 42 Lyndon H. (2006.12.29)
Hi Chris,

My experience in Korea has been fun, so far. My school has been helpful, but that's thanks to Niki Lee. She stayed many hours late and looked all over for a job for me and found one in Ilsan. I am really glad that there are people who look out me. Thanks for that.

My social life is fine. I have a couple friends from my school who live in Korea, so I visit them when I can. I even got to eat a full Thanksgiving dinner. Speaking of too much Soju, my boss took me out a couple weeks ago and showed me how it was done. I never knew drinking was a sport. I am out of shape.

Also, I have a close friend who is applying to Park English. He went to my college and even has teaching experience(he tutored a little girl in math, I believe). He is definitely born to teach children - he is very energetic. He said he could leave as soon as possible, so keep that in mind. Thank you for your time.


Lyndon Hughes
No. 41 Brian E. (2006.12.24)

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. In regards to how everything is going over here, I am pleased with how things are working out. I like my school - both my coworkers and my bosses are pretty laid back and I'm starting to get to know all of my students and am finding my groove in the classroom. My social life has been good as well. As far as Suwon, The NOW Bar is still a teacher hangout; I spent a Friday night there a couple of weeks back. So far so good over here. I think I made a good choice coming to Korea and I think the next year will be a good one. Take it easy.

No. 40 Cody (2006.12.22)
I'm beginning to get settled in and I am enjoying things very much. My students are very bright, and speak very good English already. I'm trying to do my best to adapt to the culture as quickly as I can, and everyone has been very kind and understanding. My apartment is much larger than I had anticipated, and the view is beautiful as well! I believe I'll be very happy here. Thank you so much for all of your assistance over the past several weeks.
No. 39 Daniel S. (2006.12.22)
Hi Niki,
I couldn't be happier! Everything is incredable! The school is great, my co-workers are the best, the kids are wonderful, the apartment is fantastic, the city is beautiful .....I could go on and on and on. Thank you once again. I feel I am fitting in nicely. The support I have gotten from everyone, particularly Jason, has been unparraled. God, I'm running out out of adjectives to describe how overwhelmed I am! Did I mention the food, wow! I seriously love it here. I hope I get a chance to meet you. I'd love to thank you in person & the first drink's on me!


ps. Merry x-mas if I do't hear from you before then!
No. 38 Joseph T. (2006.12.19)
I have been enjoying my time so far. Jonathan and I went to Itaweon on Saturday for a few hours and ate Mexican food. The
schools and my location/apartment are nice. I went around lake park the other day as well. Let me know if there are any upcoming ParkEnglish gatherings. I would like to finally meet you, Cessilia and Hera once and for all.

Thanks for your help/patience,
No. 37 Lindsey A. (2006.12.06)
Hi Niki,
Everything has been great so far. I had Sunday to rest up and do some shopping. Yesterday and today have been pretty laid back as well, just a little bit of training and classroom observations. My apartment is brand spanking new and absolutely adorable...very quant. The head teacher lives across the hall from me and has been very helpful especially since she is fluent in Korean!

Thanks for all your help with setting me up and I hope to meet you sometime soon, maybe at the next park english gathering.

Be well,

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Suite #1006 Union Tower, 44-34 Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 150-890
P: +82-2-749-1140 (KR) | F: +82-2-761-7783 (KR) | P: +1 (646) 233-3113 (US)
Business License #:107-87-50215, Business Plate #:2011-3180167-14-5-00024, Rep: Jaejin Shim, Meta Education Inc

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