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No. 96 Matthew H. (2007.08.30)
I have been meaning to get in touch with you. I was wanting to talk about future employment options for next year and let you know that so far things are going great.I have met so many amazing people here and I have seen some incredible aspects of Korean culture.
I wish I could make it to the dinner, and any other weekend I would, but this Saturday and Sunday I am going to Caribbean Bay with some friends. I know I will miss an amazing time, but I have been planing this for awhile. Unless the weather Saturday is terrible, I'm sure my plans will stand. I too would like to meet you in person and let you know how I'm doing. Thanks again for everything you did to help me get here. I will try to get in touch some time next week. I hope you all have a great time, and I look forward to meeting you after four months.
No. 95 Chris E. (2007.08.30)
Hi Niki,

Thank you for the email. I'm doing fine here in my Suwon School put me in the Elementary campus which I wasn't anticipating but working with young kids will be good for me. We began teaching yesterday so this is my second day of actual teaching.

It was unfortunate my visa did not arrive in time for my first flight, I feel I made a bad impression on ParkEnglish by having to wait for another flight out to Korea.

All in all I'm doing fine, thank you again for the email.

No. 94 Kristen A. (2007.08.30)
Hi Niki,

I'm doing very well! I'm still enjoying Ilsan and the job. I heard that Mike will be picking up one new teacher tonight after work. Just let us know when you will be in Ilsan!

Thanks for checking up on me!

No. 93 Joey R. (2007.08.30)
Hey Niki,

Life is great in Korea. I have settled right in with
the job and the culture. Everyday seems like a new
adventure. Thanks again for your time and help with everything.
We should try and hang out. Anyway, hope all is well.

No. 92 Brady H. (2007.08.30)
Hi Niki

I'm doing pretty well out here in Youngtong. I'm very happy with my school Suwon. Thanks much for all of your help. How are things at Park?

No. 91 Ashley B. (2007.08.30)
Hello. Thanks for the message. I am really adjusting well here in Korea. I LOVE the school placement. The principal and other teachers are great, and the work is about what I expected. I've found it surprisingly easy to adjust here, too, even not speaking the language. Really, everything is going very well. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch sooner. I want to thank Kelly and everyone for all their help and for a wonderful school placement.

Thanks again
No. 90 Matthew P. (2007.08.30)

Things are going well here. I like the job for the most part. The kids are good and the job is fairly easy.

No. 89 Rebecca T. (2007.08.30)
Hi Niki,

I am sorry that it has been so long since my last email. I am having such a wonderful time. There is a great group of teachers at my school and everyone brings a different dynamic to the group. We have been going on a lot of day trips and some of us went to Sokjo (forgive my spelling) over the last break to enjoy the beach. The only complaint that I have is that there are so many cute shoes and none of them fit my size 9.5 feet! Well, I guess that's really a good thing because it is definitely saving me some serious money. Hope all is well with you.

Speak to you soon,
No. 88 Kalem O. (2007.08.29)
Hi Niki,

Everything is going great. I like the people I work with and I adjusted really quickly. I already feel like I'm a pro. My boss seems to be happy with my work and I love having time to travel around the area and see new things. I'm very thankful for having this opportunity.

No. 87 Roger W. (2007.08.29)
Hi Niki,

The job has been great and everything has been perfect. I love life in Korea so far. The people have been great and they have been nothing but kind and helpful. The apartment has been nice and the area is small but close enough to Seoul.
Thank you very much for all you help in everything.
No. 86 William H. (2007.08.29)
Hi Niki!

I am doing great! I've finally met all of my classes and the kids are great! I'm very excited about the job- I look forward to going to work and I'm tired, but happy, at the end of the day.
Things were a little confusing the first couple days- but that provided a great learning experience. I am pretty well settled into my apartment. Internet should be coming any day and then I will be completely set.
I love Suwon. I'm glad I went for a school outside of Seoul. There are lots of parks, the air is clean, there isn't much noise, and while most things require a bus ride, they are close enough that it isn't annoying. Nope, I am very happy with my situation. If only my girlfriend had come along...
Oh, and the coworkers are a lot of fun too. I'm becoming fast friends with several of them. Alex is a great boss who constantly shows his leadership skills, his experience, and his patience with us.
Thanks for the email, and thanks for all your help in getting me here.

No. 85 Seth R. (2007.08.29)
Hi Niki

I'm doing good. Yes, it has been very busy with the intensive schedule. However, other than that, everything is going well. We are back to the normal schedule now so things have definitely gotten better. Korea is interesting. I have become very good at pointing to things I need or want. Sooner or later i will pick up the language, but it may take time.
Thanks for checking up.

No. 84 Scott & Sarai S. (2007.08.29)
Hi Niki!

Thanks for checking up on us. It has been over five weeks since we arrived. It is hard to believe. We have a great apartment, great hours at the school and are making friends with all the teachers. Korean food is taking some getting used to, but we are finding more things we like everyday.

It is only since talking to the other teachers at our school that Sarai and I realized what a great agent you are for us. You worked very hard and were very nice and attentive to us. Thank you so much for your hard work and honesty.

No. 83 Josh H. (2007.08.29)
Hello Niki,

Yes, no news is good news in this case. Avalon is great and I am nice and settled into my life here. I will tell you, the first week was hard, but I fell into a nice rythm soon afterwards. And I was worried about teaching really young children, but now I prefer teaching young children to teenagers, which I actually thought I would like.

I will try to make it to the next gathering. Thanks for all the help in getting here. Its been about two months now and its going well.

Thanks again,

No. 82 Natanya D. (2007.08.29)
Hello Niki,

How are you? I hope all is good with you. Is life
treating you well?

I must have heard you thinking because lately I have
thought a lot about contacting you to tell you how
things are going, but I was afraid of bother you.
I really like my new job. The school is really nice
and my coworkers are pleasant to work with. I really
feel like I can use some of my creativity here. A lot
of the staff have been here for 3 or 4 years so the
school runs fairly smoothly. I have a nice Korean
co-teacher who is fluent in English. The
administration is fair and friendly and I know I can
trust them. I can see myself actually staying another
year if that's the way things work out. It is
a really good school/company and I lucked out when t
his job came up. I attached a couple of pictures of my
class so you could see me with my little darlings.
I can't tell you how much I still appreciate that you
listened to my problems. That sort of
kindness really helped me keep myself focused so I
could get to where I needed to be.

Hope to see you sometime in the near future.

Feel free to give me a call.

All my best,
No. 81 Chad B. (2007.08.29)
Hi Niki,

I've been meaning to email you. I love it out here. I've made tons of friends here a Suji, and I've made a couple in Seoul. I pretty much feel at home now. The school you placed me in is great. I love the atmosphere, the hours, and the Korean teachers have been great to me. Thank you for all your help. You, Chris, and Kelly were wonderful to me and my sister. I don't know where you guys are, but if your somewhere in Seoul we should all go out for dinner and drinks one night. Talk to you soon. good bye.
No. 80 Marcela A. (2007.08.29)
Hi Niki,

Yes, Ayla Adam and I are all well. I love the school and I really think it was a great match and a great fit. I think it has a really good reputation and I have had no issues with them. Korea is taking some time to get used to, but I am learning to navigate the city and going out is always fun. The time is going by very quickly already. Hope all is well with you, Marcela
No. 79 Darren D. (2007.08.29)
Hi Niki,

I love my new job, so much better. It really is a nice place to work and the officetel is beautiful. Once I get all setup I want to have a party at my place and you will be expected to come. It would be nice to see you, so try to get out here sooner than later. Keep in touch.


No. 78 Rebecca S. (2007.08.18)
Hi Kelly,

How are you doing? Things are going well here at my new school. The kids are a lot of fun and I enjoy the people I work with. In fact, some of the other teachers and I all went to the Philippines together for our summer holiday! It was a really good time. My friend Effie who also works for MLI is looking for a job at another school when her contract ends. I recommended that she speak to you, so she wrote a brief email below. Hopefully you can contact her soon. I know she's anxious to talk to somebody about finding a new teaching job.

Thanks again,
No. 77 Amber R. (2007.08.10)
Dear Kelly,

I just wanted to let you know I've been here for almost a week and everything is going well. I like Jungnam Elementary and Mr. Lee has been extremely helpful and kind to me. Thank you for all your help in getting me a great teaching job here in Korea.


Amber R.

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