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No. 76 Patricia C. (2007.07.24)
Hi Kelly!

Everything here at LMC is great! I couldn't be happier with the school, the other teachers, the neighborhood- it's all perfect! Thanks so much for all your help in getting me here!

No. 75 Renae M. (2007.07.24)
Hello Kelly!

Thank you for the considerate email. I am very happy with LCI Academy. They have been very nice, and helpful in getting me settled in here and I love working with the kids at the academy! They are so adorable, and they learn very quickly. I love it here. Thank you very much for finding me this job! Thank you again for inquiring about me and for finding me this position.

No. 74 Ashley B. (2007.07.21)
Hi Kelly,

Everything is going good. Seoul is the biggest city I have ever been in! I
really like it here. I like the school, everyone has been really nice. The
teachers and my supervisor have helped me get settled into everything.
The kids are so cute and I have anywhere from 5 to 7 classes a day.

By the way, do you know of any mexican style restaurants in Seoul?

Thank you for all your help! I'm having a great time in Seoul so far :-)

-Ashley B.
No. 73 Canden (2007.07.04)
Hi Kelly!

I'm here in my apartment all settled in and am very excited. Nicky and the school are great and I can't wait to start on Monday.

Thank you for all your help and I'd love to stop by and meet you sometime!

Nicky has been so wonderful and helpful.

No. 72 Abigail H. (2007.06.30)
Everything is great. I have travelled all around the world so different cultures don't really shock me. I think I also prepared myself a lot for this kind of move. I'm really enjoying my classes and I'm learning more and more everyday. So far so good. Thank you for your concern!
No. 71 Erin S. (2007.06.30)
Hi Kelly,

Just thought I'd drop you an email to check in and make say hello. Everything at Kids School in Seongbuk is going pretty well so far, I'm enjoying my job. My coworkers are pretty nice, and my kids are adorable.
No. 70 Tyler + Summer (2007.06.29)
Hey Niki,

It's Tyler and Summer here. We are sorry not to have written earlier. We just love it here!! We have been so busy teaching, exploring and having fun.
Suncheon is a fantastic city and Yale academy is wonderful. We have fallen in love with Korea. We visited Seoul a few weeks ago and loved it. I hope all is well with you. Thanks again for all of your help in getting us here and set up here.

All the best,

Tyler and Summer
No. 69 Victor R. (2007.06.16)
Hi Kelly,

Things are going fine here at school. I have figured out how to get around the area and travel frequently. The Korean teachers at Paekun are friendly and are always willing to help.

Thank you for finding me a position that fits so with me.

No. 68 Michael G. (2007.05.22)

Things are great here. My coworkers and my employer are all great. I have
met many nice people here in Mokpo. Thank you for your help with finding
the job. Sorry I did not get back to you sooner, I have been very busy. I
am planning on coming to Seoul in the next couple of weeks. Would it be
okay if I dropped you a line and maybe we could meet up? I would like that.

Thanks Again,
No. 67 Thadius (2007.05.17)
Dearest Niki,

I apologize for not calling you back the other day as you requsted. Since the security guard at the apartment was loaning me his phone to call you the first time, I didn't feel it was fair to inconvenience him again. I hope you didn't have too much you needed to chat with me about. I found an ATM that will allow me to get cash from my bank account in America. That was a tremendous worry, but I should get my first paycheck at the end of this month. I would love to meet you and and Cessilia again for dinner or breakfast again (hopefully at a Korean place instead of McDonald's) and perhaps go to Noreabong (I don't know if I spelled that right?). It was very nice to meet you both, especially finally meeting you in person after corresponding via email and talking on the phone so much in the past few months.

I was honored to have you help me when I arrived. I was tired, dirty and completely disoriented. You might never know what a relief it was to not have the worry of finding my apartment building late that night and having the disaster of getting lost added to list of things that went wrong while trying to get moved to Korea. I'm sure it wasn't pleasant to be disturbed late at night with a teacher flying in with the misunderstanding with my pick up arrangements at the airport, but "thank you" for taking it all in stride and for going so far above the call of your regular job responsibilities to "take care" of me. That was the best welcome I could have received after the long flight.

It was truly amazing to be treated so kindly amidst the confusion and chaos this whole adventure has been.

Now I am safely moved into my apartment and have started work at my school and I LOVE IT! Korean people are every bit as wonderful as I remember from my first visit to your country. If I'd ever doubted how much I would love returning, all doubts were allayed last night when I went out for the first time at a bar where I was the only American. Everyone in the place was extremely polite and did everything they could to make me feel comfortable despite my inability to speak more than a few words of Korean. The people here amaze me. They are so kind to strangers and very helpful. I know I'm going to make many, many friends in this coming year.

The kids I teach are wonderful as well. I'm still working through figuring out everything, but all my students seem to enjoy hearing about where I'm from and they are eager to learn. I'm sure I will find much more to love in the next year and just like my last visit to Korea, it will be very hard to leave when I complete my contract.

I know you played a huge part in making this all possible, so I just wanted to say "thank you" one more time. It's important you know how much I appreciate everything you've done. I hope we get a chance to hang out a few times while I'm here. I won't be able to get a phone until I get my second paycheck (June 30th), but I've got email access here at work. I'm sure you have many friends and associates to spend time with, but if you every find the time to show me around Seoul a little bit, I would love the opportunity to see more of this wonderful country. Once again thank you for everything.

The Korean co-teacher who works with one of my classes came to talk to me today and said the kids really love me and have been talking about me to her. That's really nice to hear. It's so nice to feel that I've found a place to fit in. After the rain yesterday, the sun was just beautiful today and it was a wonderful walk to work. Hope you had a great day as well.

No. 66 Ausra & Vytis (2007.05.15)
Hello Niki!

This is Ausra. You hired me and my boyfriend, Vytis Udrys, for P School in Pyeongchon in September 2005. We happily finished our contracts, and are now back home in Los Angeles. But, news spread of our wonderful experience in Korea, and now 2 of my close friends want to teach English in Seoul! I can personally recommend that they will be two excellent teachers! They are two girls, and would like to work in the same school. Would you be able to help them find a very good school?

Thank you for all your help to make my Korean experience fantastic,
No. 65 Jewell O. (2007.05.14)
Hi Niki,

First allow me apologize for not contacting you earlier. As you previously mentioned times does go by FASTER in Korea. Once upon a time it was March and i was just arriving to enter my new life here. Then, I take a look at the calender and BAM, it's May! Nikki, thank you so much for all of your help and your assistance for placing me in a school that i love teaching at. Before arriving in Korea I use to look at the testimonials on the Park English Website of other teachers placed in the country through your agency. A part of me was a bit skeptical that anyone could really be that happy. But here I am writing my own life changing testimonial. Again, I sincerely thank you and the Park English staff.

I have begun sharing my wonderful experience with my friends and I have found quite a few that are interested in coming to South Korea. And of course I've recommended Park English as one of the best to assisting with the process. A friend of mine by the name of Tacora B. has recently applied for a teaching position. I've assured her that she will be well taken care of with the professional accuracy of the Park English staff.

Well it's time for me to get ready for my Monday classes.

Take Care,

Jewell O.
No. 64 Mike H. (2007.05.14)
Things at my school are very good. I really enjoy my job. My baggage did finally arrive, so thankfully I did not have to purchase a whole new wardrobe. I have been adjusting very well to life here and really enjoy this area. Thank you again for all of your help in securing me this position.

Mike H.
No. 63 Greg D. (2007.05.14)
Hey Kelly,
Everything is going well here. No complaints on our end. Everything has been great at the new school, class sizes are awesome, people are great to work for and I like what Im doing too. Hows everyhing on your end?

Will we ever get to meet you guys at Park Headquarters? I gotta run now. Everything has been really busy lately and our hours are going up. Anyway, Take care and maybe we'll chat down the road.

No. 62 Jeffrey R. (2007.05.14)
Hi Kelly,

Yes, everything is going well over at my school. Thank you for finding me a legitimate and friendly school. Hope your recruiting is going well!

No. 61 Felix N. (2007.05.09)
This is Felix. I really enjoy working in the elementary school and all is going well for me. One day this year when you guys are free I would like to treat you and Nicky for a dinner perhaps on a Friday or Saturday your choice of restaurant, a way for me to say thanks for all that you done for me. I saw on your website that there is going to be a gathering of English teachers, is that event still going to happen?
I was also wondering when I can come to visit you and say hi.
Hope everything is going good for you, See you soon.
No. 60 Kelly W. (2007.05.09)
Hi Niki,

I've arrived in South Korea and everyone has been very nice. I'm learning a lot about the culture, I just need to start learning the language. Chris lead me to believe that getting an adapter for my laptop would be easy, luckily the vice principal has one at home and will bring one to me. Thank you for your help.


Kelly W.
No. 59 Sarah L. (2007.05.09)
Hello Kelly,
We are doing good. Ansan is really cool and the school is great. Thank you for checking. Do you by any chance know where to get veggie burgers?
No. 58 Jason (2007.04.30)
Hey Kelly and Niki,

I really appreciate you coming down, I can't tell you how much of a relief it is- to have had you come clear the miscommunication that took place with me and my school. I did not realize quite how I felt about everything and it just cleared my mind immensely. Anyway I wanted to thank you both so much for coming down from Seoul, I really appreciate the time and money it took to do it. Thank you so much, it made me very happy to meet you.

Thank you,
No. 57 Kristen L. (2007.04.30)
Hi Kelly,

Things are going so well here in Seoul. We are loving it here! We are staying very busy at LCI, and time seems to be going by so quickly already.
Our living situation is good as well. Just trying to experience as much of Korea as we can. I can never remember my cell number, but when i get home I'll email it to you. Got to go to class now and see my kindergarteners.
Hope all is well for you. Will email you again and call soon.

Kristen and Adam

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