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No. 256 Brittany Pepper (2015.06.22)
Thank you for checking in on me. I am having a great time.
I have settled in well and I enjoy this school. The teaching style is
easier than I thought, not much of a challenge to me but that's ok. I
teach from a set of newspaper articles, some written by me and other
teachers. I've done a few "special classes" on Saturdays, they've been
great fun. So far they have been Avengers themed and the kids got to
make masks to wear and play on different teams. We even watched some
clips from all of the Marvel movies and then discussed each character
in English. They've been great classes.
I love working with these kids here. I was orginally worried about
working with younger kids, because I only had experience with High
Schoolers; but the younger ones are the best. They love being here and
they love learning
No. 255 Michael A Puusalu (2014.09.05)
I have been really busy with school and getting myself into a nice routine.I am really enjoying the school and especially the students.
No. 254 Amanda Marie Pinget (2014.09.02)
Everything has been going great here at GKI! I am settling in and getting used to working with the young children which was a bit of an adjustment. I'm really enjoying my work and living in Korea, it's been a great experience so far
No. 253 Sofia Luz Dorantes (2014.09.01)
So far my experience working at NOAH academy in Chuncheon has been wonderful! I am enjoying working with my employers, fellow teachers and the students as well. I have not had any problems, but if I need anything I will let you know. Arriving here in Chuncheon went very smoothly as well.
No. 252 Jaime Muckinhau (2014.08.01)
Hello Park English,

I am indeed enjoying my time here, i've met new friends and i'm seeing the country which is beyond beautiful. I like my job, it's not perfect but no job is. I've grown to really like the children, they're the best part of teaching. I'm very glad i went through your agency, your recruiter was more than happy to answer all my stupid questions, and i never felt pushed or pressured by Park English which, as I'm told can be a problem with many other agencies. Moving across the world to a country where not many speak your native language can be a very scary process and no one should feel pressured into doing so. You are more than welcome to post my testimonial on your website. I know that if i decide to come back to Korea again I shall do so through you.
Thank you for everything
No. 251 Richard Boland (2014.07.29)
After landing in South Korea at Incheon Airport three months ago, I felt for the first time in my life, "Wow I was really on my own now". This was entirely NOT the case, as Park English adamantly have not only helped me through the application process back in the United States of finding a school, but also going above and beyond to make sure I arrived safely at my destination. Without them, I would have definitely ended up at the wrong destination and most likely on the wrong side of South Korea.
I have never felt helpless or without good help knowing Park English is just a quick email away to answer any of my concerns. I never felt as if I were asking too much, always receiving a very informative answer and even additional info that coincidentally answered lingering questions unasked. This is not your ordinary recruiting agency, they are something special and unique.
If you are an potential English Teacher "on the fence" with teaching in South Korea, feel free to email me at rboland@drew.edu if you have any questions! Would be my pleasure!

No. 250 Ashley Zelina (2014.07.29)
Hi Erin!

Everything has been going very well! I love the school and all the kids I have met so far. My boss has been so helpful these past few months, and his wife is one of the sweetest people I've met. It helps that they are both fluent in English! I really like it here and think it is a good fit!
No. 249 Ryan Millions (2014.05.19)
The new school is great, while it is more work than most other schools. The owner is very kind and the whole staff is wonderful. The job is highly rewarding and is a great atmosphere to teach in. The students are wonderful and the apartment is really high end.
No. 248 Benjamin Davis (2014.04.25)
Dear Erin,

Everything is wonderful. The job is great. You can post whatever you'd like.
No. 247 Lyndel Bianca Naidu (2014.04.25)
Good afternoon Erin,
My time is going well- I think its more than a healthy sign if I haven't contacted you since coming- It means my school and its' staff have been treating me like a queen.
I am so lucky to be teaching where I am. Everything about this experience so far, is solidifying my goal to be a certified teacher very soon.
I would love to share my success story on your site.
No. 246 Jessica Margaret Pit (2014.03.10)
You may also use my email for any potential teachers looking to know a little more about Korea- I¡¯d love to answer questions or tell (positive) stories!

The new school (Avalon) is great. The people I work with -Koreans and foreigners- are just lovely. My Korean co-teachers are helpful and always answer any questions I have. The classes are hilarious and fun! The students can be difficult at times but I mean¡¦ they are teenagers! I wouldn¡¯t trade their antics for any others¡¯! The workload is just the right amount that I was looking for- challenging but I have enough prep time to get everything done and still look for new ways to teach my lessons and make my classes fun and entertaining, as well as a positive learning environment.

All in all- I¡¯m doing just fine here! :)
No. 245 Jillian Sifuentes (2014.03.06)
I've been here for almost 3 months and so far I have had a great time. The school has been such a pleasure to work with and the teachers are so friendly and helpful. I have gotten to know them pretty well since I started working and some have become good friends of mine. The principal is so nice and helpful to whatever I need. If I ever have an issue he is quick to resolve it and offers support for whatever I need.

My transition has been smooth one; and I thank Park English for all the help that was given to me to get here. I was so relieved and thrilled to discover I was placed in a great school with great people. I know a lot of foreign teachers are nervous about their placement but I believe Park English has done a terrific job in placing me in a respectable and lovely institution. I am eager to see what the rest of the year brings!
No. 244 Brockton Kuznetsov (2014.02.16)
I was very happy with how Park English helped me find my job. I found JJ very professional, and he also got back to me right away. He also was extremely helpful in regards to any questions or concerns I had, and did a really good job in answering them or in finding the answers for me. He spoke English well, and just was generally pleasant to deal with. I was working with other recruiters alongside Park English, and only Park English seemed to treat my desire to get a good job with the urgency one would expect from a recruiting agency aware that it operates in a competitive market. I can wholeheartedly recommend Park English for an efficient job search.
No. 243 Stephen Paul Lum (2013.12.11)
I've really been enjoying Korea, and Gyeongju is a beautiful city! I'm so glad this is where I'm located for the next year.
No. 242 Megan Douglas (2013.10.10)
After successfully arriving in South Korea and beginning my English teaching job, I am very grateful to the big role played by Park English in the procedure of getting here. Park English was an invaluable asset in finding me a good placement and guiding me through the myriad of processes required. I enjoyed having the same Park English representative assigned to my application, as I could be confident that my numerous inquiries were being received and promptly answered by the same capable person. Above all, I am thankful that I never felt as if I was alone in my job search- Park English and my personal representative worked on my behalf to guide me through the entire process from start to finish, and did so in a friendly and professional manner.
Megan Douglas
No. 241 Daniel Adam Vineberg (2013.09.30)
When looking for a recruiter, there were two things that I wanted: good communication, and a good selection of jobs. JJ at Park English was able to provide both of these. I would recommend Park English without hesitation.
No. 240 Josephine Whalen (2013.09.20)

I am having a great time in my school and in Seoul. The school is very good and I have no complaints.

Thank you!

No. 239 master (2013.09.09)
Hi! Park English!

It's been a while since you joined the school. We hope you are having a wonderful time there.
We would like to know how you have been doing and how the school is.
No. 238 master (2013.09.09)
I am really enjoying it here at the CSS so far. The school is wonderful and
the accommodation is clean and new. The staff has been very helpful so
far. I am loving Korea thus far!
No. 237 Tom (2010.08.20)
Things are good down here, I enjoy my job very much, it has been raining but it is nice today. My director is very nice, and I like my apartment. I have met many foreigners and they are very nice. Thank you for setting everything up.

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Suite #1006 Union Tower, 44-34 Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 150-890
P: +82-2-749-1140 (KR) | F: +82-2-761-7783 (KR) | P: +1 (646) 233-3113 (US)
Business License #:107-87-50215, Business Plate #:2011-3180167-14-5-00024, Rep: Jaejin Shim, Meta Education Inc

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