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No. 156 Mark Gruber (2009.03.05)
I've been working in Seoul for about 6 years, but have not gone
through a recruiter before in my job search. Park English really
worked with me to help me find exactly the position that I was
looking for based on my experience, salary requirements, and
preferences. It was only a short time after initially uploading my
resume onto their thorough and well-designed website until I was
called with potential positions. Once I settled on a position that
sounded good to me, their follow up was superb all the way up to my
arrival at the school. Thanks, Park English, for taking such good
care of me!
No. 155 Thomas (2009.03.03)
Hi Lena,
Just to let you know I've arrived safetly, flight was great, have
just met some of the others teachers and about to meet the
Principle. Accomodation is great and the school seems wonderful.
Let me know if you need anything.

Tom xx
No. 154 Maria Cometti (2009.02.27)
I am could not be happier in my current position, thanks to the
work of Park English. They took my preferences into consideration
and set me up with the best teaching job in Seoul! Mia walked me
through every step of the hiring process and was always available
to answer my questions and provide assistance. From my initial
conversation with Chris to Mia¡¯s phone call minutes after I landed
in Korea, Park English was always there for me. I still can¡¯t
believe how easy they made it for me to start teaching in Seoul! If
you are considering teaching in South Korea, do yourself a favor
and go through the Park English Agency. Every question you have
will be answered, every detail will be covered, and the hiring
process will run smoothly. Park English was recommended to me, and
I strongly recommend it to you!!
No. 153 Adam (2009.02.25)
Hello Lena,

Thank you very much for all of your help throughout this process.
Things would have been much more difficult for me if you had not
been there. It has been a lot of work, but in the end it has paid
off. I am looking forward to meeting you and the rest of the Park
English staff very soon.
Take care and we will stay in touch.

No. 152 Sarah (2009.02.24)
Hi ParkEnglish Team

I feel very grateful for the services that Park English provided
me, and mostly grateful for the opportunity. I applied to Park
English on a whim one Sunday, and was called back just several
hours later that night. Mia and Chris were very helpful and worked
hard to answer all of my questions. They gave me great information
on the process of getting to Korea, as well as some resources that
would help orient me when I got there. (They even were able to give
me really good information about how to bring my cat with me!) They
checked on me often while I was applying, while I was preparing to
travel, and while I was settling into the country. I feel
comfortable knowing that they will also be happy to help me with
anything during my stay here. I have been teaching for almost one
month now and am very happy. All of the people are extremely
helpful and supportive. It has definitely been an adventure
completely new to me, and it is great to know that there are many
people more than willing to give advice and make me more
comfortable. This is an opportunity I am blessed to have, and I
know it will be an invaluable experience. Thank you Park English!
No. 151 Todd (2009.02.23)
Hi Lena and Mia - thanks again for all your help. I am enjoying
working here so far. It is a wonderful company and it is very
interesting learning Korean and working with the very intelligent
young kids. Take care,

No. 150 Joey (2009.02.18)
Park English found me the exact job I wanted based on what I
specified in my application. They were extremely helpful at every
point in the process of getting set up to come teach. If I had a
question, if they knew the answer I would get a response
immediately. If they did not have the answer they found and you
could count on a response with the answer within the day. I was
extremely happy with the services of Park English and would
recommend them to anyone who was thinking of teaching in Korea.
Thank You very much Park English
No. 149 Kay (2009.02.11)
Hello Lena

Lena and ParkEnglish were so great to work with and made my
transition to Korea so easy. I was constantly updated with the
status of my application and was given follow-ups on my job
placement as soon as possible. I was worried that arriving in Korea
would be hectic and prepared for confusion, but it went smoothly
and Lena acted as a perfect liaision between my school and me.
Thanks so much for your help!
No. 148 Laura (2009.02.06)
Hi Lena,

Park English is great. Exceptional contact and follow-ups. You guys
really made everything run as smoothly as possible, and I thank you
for that. You always kept me in the loop with every little progress
that was made and vice versa. I know of other people that had come
here to teach alone and heard it was a nightmare to research what
to do next but Park English is already prepared to lead you to the
next step. I love my placement. I love my boss and I love chit-
chatting and hanging out with the other teachers. I know that this
experience is going to be something more than ordinary but
something precious and cherished. It wouldn't have happened without
your help.I hope that everyone is well and I hope to see you all at
the next teacher's lounge meeting!

No. 147 Ryan (2009.01.19)
Dear Lena & Park English,

I couldn't be happier with the situation I'm in right now. Busan is
such a great city to live in, and living really close to Haeundae
beach is amazing. I'm very appreciative that you were able to work
at the school that you placed me. So far, the school has been a
terrific company to work with. All my foreign and Korean co-workers
are extremely nice and have been extra helpful if I've needed

My apartment is actually quite nice for a one bedroom, and it's
literally only a 2 minute walk to campus from there. Thank for
everything Lena!

No. 146 Andin (2009.01.05)
Hi Lena,

I just want to let you know that I got to Korea without any
problems, and I'm settling in quite nicely. I just want to say a
big THANK YOU for all your help and your e-mailing back and forth
over the last 3 or 4 months! It has been quite a process to get me
here, who would have known? I'm glad that everything worked in the
Bundang is great! I'm settling in very well, and I am close to the
metro, so traveling to Seoul is not a difficult task.

Take care,

No. 145 David (2008.12.22)
Lena and Park English were great with helping me find A placement
that suited my specific wants and needs. Other recruitment agencies
attempted to cram me into a position in a location that I didn't
want or with students who were not at the level I was prepared to
teach at, but Park English offered me several positions and were
very diligent in acquiring me the position I wanted. They kept in
contact with me throughout the lengthy process of acquiring my visa
and other pertinent documentation and even arranged for my pick-up
from the airport. If you know what level/location you want to teach
or are just wanting to teach anywhere in Korea Park English will
guide you through the entire process with kindness and prompt
responses that will ensure you get the placement you want.
No. 144 Sahayan (2008.11.03)
hello park english!

i trust all is well. it's been almost a year since you've recruited me and placed me in, quite literally, the best academy in daejeon.


No. 143 Kirk (2008.11.03)
"Park English made a hectic process run smooth. They were always there for me. I would highly recommend them." Kirk
No. 142 Arthur (2008.10.24)
Hello Louis

You and the Park English staff worked very hard to ensure that I experienced an easy transition to Korea. Park English responded right away to all of my questions and guided me along the steps to become an English teacher in Korea. You answered questions dealing with school location, work schedule, pay, and informed me far in advance of the documents I woul need to gather and the correct places to send them. The school that you found for me is professional and the kids are excitingly fun to teach. The other teachers at the school are very hospitable and have become good friends of mine. Currently, the school is organizing a Halloween drama and party, and the school is glad to have my help. I feel very lucky to have found Park English and would highly recommend your services to anyone looking to experience the great opportunity of becoming and English teacher in Korea!
No. 141 Jessica (2008.10.23)
Hey Lena,

Thank you for the email. Things are great here. I love Busan it is a gorgeous city to be in. I immediately fell in love with the Korean culture. My apartment in Dongnae is right across from the subway and 5 min walk from my school. Although my apartment is very small, i decorated it nicely. I have already been to cross roads and the basement.. hah.. and i love them both. I have not been shopping yet but I hope to soon, i love PNU.

My boss is very nice and teaching is going very well. I have no complaints so far. You did a great job. thank you so much lena, and hopefully we can meet up soon!
No. 140 Robert (2008.10.23)
Hello Park English!

I used Park English and I am very happy with my placement. From speaking to other teachers who did not go through Park English, I feel very fortunate. My boss is nice and very professional, my coworkers are as well and the students and school can some days be more fun then work.
No. 139 Nicholas (2008.10.09)
Hi Lena-

Things are great here in Taebaek! I've been wanting to write you and thank you for placing us in such a great city and school. The school director and the rest of the staff are so incredibly nice and patient. The students are amazing and well-behaved (for the most part) and they love having us at the school. The first week was a little difficult because we did not have any preparation but the director was patient and now Alison and I are in a great rhythm. The hours are not too long, and we get at least one break. The most I have to work in one day is 7 hours which is better than what some of my other friends are working in Seoul or Daegu. Our apartment is amazing too. It's on the 14th floor with a balcony that overlooks the city. It has a great kitchen, one bedroom and a living room with all the appliances needed. The school is just a 15 minute walk from our apartment and the small downtown section of the city is close too. Taebaek is a small city, but its beautiful and the people are so nice. We haven't met any Westerners yet, but we know that some live here, we just have to find them. I don't think we couldn't have gotten a better placement. Thank you so much Lena. If we need anything, we will let you know.

No. 138 Monique (2008.10.06)
Hello Parkenglish

I just arrived in Korea on Saturday - and can't wait to start exploring it!

I love my school - the director and my colleagues are wonderful and the children are so sweet :)
They've gone out of their way to make me feel at home.
It's a wonderful working environment and I know I'm really going to enjoy my year here.
Thanks Park English for finding me such an amazing placement!

I would also like to thank the team at Park English for being there every step of the way - from initial contact all the way through to finding me a suitable position, arranging my flight and always being available should I ever need their help.
I highly recommend the team at Park English - who are friendly, professional and reliable - and promptly respond to any queries one might have.


No. 137 Dana (2008.09.23)
Hi Lena ,

Things are going great at the school. I really like the staff and Mrs. Lee (Grace) is really nice too. The students are the sweetest too! I think that I am adjusting quite well. I still don't feel comfortable riding a subway alone or taking a taxi alone yet, but I'm sure I will soon enough. Thanks again for all of your help and I will get in touch with you at a later date. I would like to try to come and say hello sometime when I'm in the area, so I'll let you know when that might be. Also, please keep me posted if other Park English teachers are planning on meeting up anywhere in the near future.

Keep in touch,


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