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No. 136 Chelsey (2008.09.15)
Hello Lena

The teaching position Park English helped locate for me in South Korea was a perfect match for my personality and lifestyle. I settled comfortably into the routine and could not have been placed in a more suitable environment. The recruiters really understood what kind of placement I needed and worked hard to find just the right one. I am so happy, thank you Park English!

Take care,

No. 135 Lauren (2008.09.15)
Hi Lena

I am loving Korea!! I've only been here about two weeks but you guys have put me at a really great school with awesome coworkers and employers. Everyone is so friendly here, and there's so much to do. Every day, I can walk down the same streets and still discover new things. :)

As far as Park English is concerned, you guys have been great. I was contacted the day after I posted my resume and spent 40 minutes on the phone getting all of my questions answered. And as far as the job search process, you were great at keeping me posted on the progress and finding a position that fit me well.

One thing I would recommend to future teachers: BRING CASH. I thought I'd be able to get money out of ATMs here but I was wrong. Global ATMs are few and far between, and I still haven't located one yet. I would recommend bringing a minimum of 600,000 won.

Anyway, Korea's awesome. Thanks Park English!!

No. 134 John (2008.09.10)
Hi Lena,

Things are going really well here at school! The school is awesome and Suwon has been fantastic so far. I was a bit worried about being outside of Seoul, but I'm really glad that I chose somewhere outside of the city. Hope everything is well with you!

No. 133 Michael (2008.09.05)
Hey Lena

How are you? Things are going well here. It's been about a month and I am adjusting well to the culture here in Korea. Anyways as for Park English, I found the agency extremely helpful and responsive. It was only a day after I applied that I was contacted from a Park English agent to get some information on me so that they could match me to a job. The agents were always there to answer any questions and help in anyway they could. In my case they were very helpful in arranging my flight since I had inflexible travel dates. All in all I found Park English to be a great recruiter and would recommend them to anyone thinking about teaching in Korea

No. 132 Greg (2008.09.05)
Hey Lena
Park English was so patient and kind with my job search. They helped me get in touch with numerous schools and eventually found one really suitable to my skills and liking. Thanks so much!

And thanks so much Lena. You really perserved through the very long time it took me to figure out where I wanted to go.

No. 131 Stephen (2008.09.04)
Hi Lena

I have recently arrived in South Korea to take up a teaching position in a 'rural area'.

I have found the school very helpful and the kids fantastic.

In particular, the planning for the placement in my school by Parkenglish had been very efficient. Ay queries that I have had were answered promptly. The information given to me by Parkenglish proved to be timely and accurate.

Thank you.'
No. 130 Jeremy (2008.09.03)
Hello Lena,
Park English greatly facilitated my application process. My representative, Lena Woo, always replied to my emails promptly and directed me to the right sources for any inquiries that she did not have an answer for. I was told about my school was accurate. Moreover, during the first and second week after arriving Lena contacted me to make sure everything was satisfactory.
Overall I have been very impressed with Park English's services.

My best,
No. 129 Susannah (2008.09.02)
I am loving it here! I love my school and the people I work with! I lucked up! Thank you so much for everything! I am looking forward to a year here, it's going to be such a great experience! The city is perfect! My apartment is right across from the school.

Thank you for all your hard work!!


No. 128 Hanson (2008.09.02)
Hello Lena,

This agency has been helpful for the majority of the employment process. The one thing that stands out was the fact that they have very prompt responses. They get back to you right away. Thanks for getting me here and the school is great! KEep up the good work, I will refer you to all my friends who want to come to Korea! Kudos to you!

No. 127 Muna Raham (2008.05.30)
Hi Lena,

Nice to hear from you!

Well it has now been just over a month since I got here and I guess things are going ok.

Ilsan is a great place to live. There are lots of foreign teachers here, lots of shops and restaurants and everything is very clean! It seems almost European in a lot of ways so I haven't suffered too much of a culture shock so far. In fact I feel like I missing out a bit on the real Korea! But I have been in to Seoul a few times which has been great and although it is quite far out, the subway system and buses are fairly easy to use. Koreans seem very used to foreigners here and have so far been very friendly and welcoming to me. I wouldn't say that I feel completely settled yet even though I have been here a month but I also haven't found it difficult to adjust to my new life as the other teachers at the school (Lindsay in particular who came through Park as well!) have been really informative and helpful.

Which brings me to Encore School (as they are now known). I feel like I am still getting used to teaching and have a lot to learn still. I love all the kids but am still learning lots about discipline and keeping their attention. I got a reasonable amount of support when I first started as I was observing lessons for the first 3 days so actually didn't find it too much of a shock when I started teaching. But now that I am I do feel like I am thrown in the deep end a bit so have to improvise to keep my lessons going.

I still need to get used to the way the system works here i.e you tend to hear everything last minute, sometimes you don't hear it at all and the fact that the parents rule the school. It's also a little sexist dare I say? That can get pretty frustrating but I know that that is typical of Korea and not just the school. The hours are pretty long here in comparison to other schools and we don't get many breaks. So far I have 2 days with no afternoon lessons which is good for me but I'm sure that will change soon as most of the teachers have at least 2 afternoon lessons a day. I get along well with all the staff - think they were very grateful when I turned up as they had been waiting for me so long! They have all really helped me a lot with tips and advice on teaching and general living.

My apartment isn't amazing but it is right in the centre of town which is great as I am literally 5 minutes away from all the shops and nightlife and just over 10 minutes to school so I'm not complaining. Other teachers from the school also live in the same building which was handy whenI didn't have a mobile phone as would have been pretty isolated otherwise.

Anyway so I would say things are going good. I feel happy here and I am really glad that I came. I know there will be challenges but I expected and wanted that. So thanks for all your help in getting me here and I really hope the school are happy with me too.

I hope I answered all your questions (maybe in too much detail?)

Warm regards,

No. 126 Matt L. (2008.05.22)
Hi there, i hope all is well at Park English.. I've been meaning to write you and thank you.
I'm grateful to have the Korean experience.
Thanks again, your great..
When is Park English going to have a teachers party??
Have a great three day weekend..
Best Regards,
No. 125 Chelsea S. (2008.05.22)
Feel free to contact me if anyone has any questions about our school or living in Korea. I have truly been enjoying my time here. I just recently got promoted to head teacher! Thanks for all your help!

No. 124 Sandra C. (2008.05.22)
I love Korea. We are having a great time. Anisa is great at the school. She helps with classes and runs extra things like activity groups and book club gatherings for the students.
No. 123 Thomas P. (2008.05.22)
Thanks Park English!

Hola Cessilia, Thanks for the message.
So far, Korea is pretty sweet. Take care and let me know if anything cool is happening!
No. 122 Peter Koo (2008.05.19)
I love being here and appreciate your agency's help.

If you need anything from me, please don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks again
No. 121 Matthew (2008.05.19)
Hi Lena!

Things are going great here in Mokpo! I'm adapting well, at least that's what people tell me! I really like Korean food, and work is wonderful. I love the kids, and they are very excited by my appearance. But they've gotten used to it now. I have to thank you for placing me in Han's school. It is a great place to work, and I get along very well with all my co-workers. The only difficulty I'm having is learning Korean, which is coming to me very slowly, but I might have a tutor lined up, which will really help.

Hope everything is going well in Seoul. I plan to visit there soon!

Take care,

No. 120 Cornia J. (2008.04.04)
Dear Park English

Thanx for checking in! I'm very happy working for the Gongju Office of Education and will sign again with them at the end of my current contract.

No. 119 Park English (2008.03.26)
Hello Niki,

I just wanted to thank you for the position at the LCI Kids club in Jookjeon. I am in my third week of teaching and the transition is getting better and I enjoy the area alot. Please let me know when then next Park English get together will be and I would love to meet up sometime to thank you.

Angie Flottemesch
No. 118 Melly (2008.03.03)
Hi Tei

Thank you for all the great arrangements. There was someone to meet me at the right time and he got me to the bus stop and arranged my ticket for me. What a a great help. I am at work at the moment, just had my first class. Thank you for all the help in the process of getting me here. I really appreciate it. I am hoping it will go well at this school, I will keep you informed.

Thank you again.

Kind Regards,
No. 117 Kendra M. (2008.01.04)
Hi Niki:

It was great to finally meet you at our school's Christmas party a few weeks ago. I just thought that I would let you know that things are still going very well for me. I am loving Korea. I am having a lot of fun teaching, and both the students and my co-workers are great!
Park English certainly did a wonderful job of finding some great teachers for Songpa! My co-workers are a lot of fun, especially the ones who came through Park English ;) Thank you for helping me find such a great job!

Best Regards,

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