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No. 36 Peter L. (2006.12.01)
Hi Niki,

How are you doing? Sorry for not replying soon. Everything has been going so fast. I can barely believe it was only been three weeks ago when I was still in Texas. Right after I finished training they moved me to my school. My students are great and the people I work with are very nice. Thank you for helping me teach in Korea.

I guess I'll have to wait for some other time to meet you. Have a fun day.

No. 35 Henri J. (2006.11.29)
Hi Niki and Cessilia,

I had a wonderful and memorable teaching experience in South Korea.

I enjoy the beautiful colors of spring (blossom trees), fall (change of the leaves) and winter (the cool weather) the country is gorgeous.

The school I worked at was great, the staff and the children made the teaching experience warm and inviting.

The hardest part of my teaching experience was the day I had to say good-bye.

I grew attached to the staff, students and principal of the school, it was very difficult to leave.

I had no problems from day one of my experience in Changwon city, the Korean people embraced me by sharing their magnificent sites, learning the Korean language and the spicy but delicious food.

Thanks Park English for the great experience, one I will not forget!
No. 34 Kevin M. (2006.11.16)
Hi Niki
How are you? I'm doing just fine and enjoying myself thus far. I wanted to thank you because my arrival went very smoothly, you did a great job.
Everything is as you said it would be. Now it is up to me to perform.
Anyway, I'll know tomorrow if I'm going to the event on Saturday.
Take Care,
No. 33 Samantha M. (2006.11.04)
Dear Chris, Hera, Niki and everyone else who has helped me get here,

Thanks for the check up email. So far, everything is going well. My
apartment is in a prime location. I have immediate access to subway, bus, department store, market, and everything else that I could want.

School is going well. The school staff has been very helpful and accommodating and they try very hard to make sure that I am happy with everything. The children, of course, can be wonderful angels or little terrors but they are always very amusing.

Also, I have language exchanges where I meet two different people twice a week and we talk in English and Korean about everything and anything. It's usually a good time. On the weekend I meet friends from the Geyonggi Orientation and we sightsee and go to free Korean lessons at Sookmyung. So...I'm keeping busy and happy.

Thank you everyone for all of your help.
No. 32 Robert P. (2006.10.09)
Dear Cessilia,
My experience in Korea was very worthwhile,
and it has greatly enriched me. The situation was
everything your ad on Monster.com (in February 2005)
promised it would be--most importantly, a good salary
with low tax and living expenses, resulting in more
money "in my pocket" (even before my promotion) than
any job I had ever had with any previous employers.
Also, I generally enjoyed getting to know my students
and making friends among teachers, students,
neighbors, and others. I loved the seasons and the
food, and I even managed to learn to read Korean and
make basic conversation in the language. I really
appreciate the mind-opening experience that you helped
me acquire.

By the way, I am teaching Korean students in Saipan,
and my experience in Korea has given me special
insight into the needs and tendencies of Korean

I'm glad I had the chance to meet you in person last
year, while I was in Korea.

Thank you for everything.


Robert W. P.
No. 31 Kelly D. (2006.10.05)
Hi Chris,

I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to you, but we have been quite busy here. I have been here for 2 months now. Since I arrived, we have completed our Special Summer Program (which was a fantastic time!), I've been to Japan (another whole, new experience), and we are currently into our second week of the Fall Program. My school treats us like Kings and Queens! They go out of their way to make sure we are comfortable. As you will see by the attachment I have sent you, the apartments are new, clean, efficient and quite spacious. They recently promoted me to Head Teacher, which is working out great for me and the other Native Teachers. The Teachers like having a Westerner represent them and look after things. I have made many friends here from all over the world! We 'hang out' all the time and have a terrific time together. The Korean people are very friendly and go out of their way to please. Overall, my experience here has been a great one!


No. 30 Florence C. (2006.10.04)
Happy Chusok to all of you at Park English!! I'm doing great at Sejong Academy. :D

Florence Castillo
No. 29 Nolan L. (2006.09.29)
Hi Chris,

Thanks for checking in on me. Everything is going really well. I am settled in at my new job and everyone has been very nice and supportive. I am teaching a variety of grade levels between 1st and 8th grade but there is a variety of teaching materials available and the kids are very well behaved and a lot of fun. There was a party for Park English employees this weekend but I was unable to go due to a case of bronchitis/sinusitis....oh well. I am getting better though. You and Niki have been very helpful through this whole process and I am very grateful to the both of you for helping me get such a good job. Niki asked me to give her a call next time I am in Seoul and maybe in the next couple weeks we will meet up which would be cool. Thanks for everything and let me know how life back in the States is going.

No. 28 Sarah J. (2006.09.20)
Hi!! Sorry I haven't written again sooner! I am doing very well and getting adjusted nicely. My school is great and they are so good about taking care of things for me and making sure I have everything I need! Classes are also going well and I really enjoy my students.

Thanks for checking up on me!!! :) Speak to you soon!
No. 27 Sean B. (2006.08.14)
Dear Niki, Sorry I have been out of touch for a little while. I remember that you had said that you wanted me to write and let you know how things are. Things are great! I am having a very good time and I really like the my school so far. I have observed some classes and the kids seem to be very nice and so well behaved! The language has been something of a barrier, but I am learning fast and I am trying to teach myself a little each day. I have figured out the subway system and I know enough about the buses to get myself around. I am excited to move into my apartment as the hotel is alright, but it gives everything a very impermanent feel. Alright, I have lots of things that I need to do before work, but thanks again for everything. -Sean
No. 26 Wayne S. (2006.08.14)
Hey Chris, How are things? I’m having a blast. I’ve made some great Korean friends and a few good American ones as well. My coworker, Charles, is leaving in about a week so I’m a little bummed about that. Last week we spent our vacation week traveling down to Busan and then back up the west coast. We stopped in Gyeongju for a few nights and then stayed a night with a friend in Samcheok. His father had some sort of permanent vendor tent on the beach so we cooked some samgyeopsal and slept right there on the beach. I met an old elementary school friend of mine in Seoul about a month ago, that was fun. He lives in Cheongju, about four hours from here. Seoul just happens to be right in the middle of us. There is an English club at the university here and that is where I have made the mainstay of my friends. Tomorrow we head to Donghae and camp on the beach. All 40 of us! I am most certainly having a good time here. My boss is super nice. She and her husband always take good care of me. I already have a ton of stories to tell and I haven’t even been here for three months. Oh yeah, my brother just arrived in China a few days ago, and in about 10 days he will be here and we will spend a week or two together. It should be fun. Anyways, I have to run back to work to finish my day out but it was good to hear from you. Later, Wayne
No. 25 Jason S. (2006.08.14)
Hera, I am sorry i have not written i am really bad at writting people. I guess i should start off by saying thank you for getting me here I am really enjoying it here. The first week or two was really hard but after that it has been great. I have seen a lot of korea so far (i actually just got back from Jeju last week) and i have learned the alphabet and can read a little (i still need a lot more practice). I will definitly let you know when i go to seoul so that we can finally meet. If you ever need someone to talk to other english speakers about how great the korean experience is let me know. I hope everything is going well with you. Also say hi to Niki for me and tell her thank you also. Thanx for listening, Jason P.S. I know thanx is wrong english it is just how i sign things, i don't teach it to the kids for the record :)
No. 24 Melissa P. (2006.08.14)
Hi Chris, Everything is going really well. The school is very nice and the other teachers have been so helpful. It didn't take long at all to get adjusted. The social life is alive and well. I remember telling you that shopping would be my downfall, and I was right...Myeong-dong is off limits until Christmas. We are planning a trip to China soon. Thank you for checking in, Melissa
No. 23 Thu P. (2006.08.14)
Hi Chris! How are you? I have been meaning to follow up with you earlier too, especially just to thank you and Hera for everything. But I have been busy these last few weeks, so I didn't have a chance to email you. I am very happy with Korea so far! When I spoke with you, I didn't ask you many questions because I didn't know what to ask really. I just wanted to go somewhere. And Korea is just amazing so far. I am very happy with my boss and my co-workers. The job is much easier than I expected and the fact that I get along with my boss and co-workers make it much more enjoyable. The apartment is amazing here and it's even better than I expected because I live right above my school. My boss also gave me a cell phone, since I didn't have a phone in my room. He and his family also took me to nearby cities so I can experience more of Korea. I am just very fortunate to have run into good people since I have been here. As for my social life, I am lucky that another English teacher lives across from me. He introduced me to everyone around here. It's just amazing the friends that I have made since I have been here. There's always something to do every weekend. Plus, the public transportation is convenient and cheap. I just got back from my summer vacation. I went to Geoje Island and it is just one of the most beautiful islands here. I loved it because it was just a relaxing vacation! I hope I didn't overload you with all the information. To sum it up, I am having a great time so far. Once again, thank you for everything Chris! I hope you're enjoying your summer. If you need anything, just let me know!! Sincerely, Thu
No. 22 Erica F. (2006.08.14)
Hi Chris, Thanks for checking in with me. My experience has been great so far. My school is wonderful; my co-workers, the administration, and my students have been very welcoming and helpful since I arrived. I encountered a little culture shock when I first arrived, but I think that is part of the whole experience (as is the PC bang, where I am composing this). Now that I have been here a few months, daily life is starting to get easier, and I am feeling more relaxed and rested. My favorite weekend hangout is Itaewon. I have met lots of people there (including Niki and Hera from Park -- they recognized me from my photo!). Talk to you later. Erica
No. 21 Cassandra W. (2006.08.14)
Hi Chris, Thanks again for checking up. I LOVE it here. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. I post a lot of things on my journal about my daily life but to sum it all up, it feels so natural here. My school is wonderful. The 4 Native English teachers are all wonderful people. The Korean teachers are kind, friendly and eager to help. The entire foreigner community in Suncheon city is really close knit. At the same time, I have really tried to balance the time I spend with foreigners with the time I spend with Koreans. After all, it was the cultural immersion that appealed so greatly to me in the first place. I have made some very good friends here... both Korean and foreigners. I find myself so incredibly busy that I have to turn down invitations every day. I am taking Korean lessons from a wonderful lady who has turned into a good friend. Spending time with her has given me the opportunity to see Korea from her perspective... and I am blown away by the natural beauty and friendly personality of almost everyone I meet. The kindy kids that I teach are beyond adorable. The smiles on their faces light up my day. The rest of my classes are always interesting and uplifting. I love having something different happen every day. I look forward to work everyday and everyday at least one of my kids hugs me. Life is wonderful. Ciao, Cassandra
No. 20 PJ & Dorian B. (2006.08.14)
Chris, Thanks for checking in. Things are going well here. We were lucky and got a whole week and a half of training at the School campus in Daechi before they moved us up to our apartment and home campus in Junggye. Things were crazy for the first week as the school basically opened right when intensives started and all of us--teachers and staff--were basically brand new. But we've settled in and the kinks are starting to work themselves out. The kids are awesome, and we like our fellow teachers and staff. We spend our weekends buying little things for our apartment or "wandering" via the subway system. Today we're going to Changdeok Palace and Biwon Garden. Again, thanks for checking in. Take a trip to Powell's for us. Best, PJ & Dorian
No. 19 John E. (2006.08.14)
hey chris, basically, i am very happy and want to thank you for all your help. i got hooked up with a good school - and like it a lot. people here are very nice and professional. so lets stay in touch. john
No. 18 John E. (2006.08.14)
Hello Chris, Wow, nice to hear from you. So far, everything has been great. Everyone at the school has gone out of their way to help me. I have enjoyed all the Korean cuisine. Korea is incredible. Anyways, good to hear from you and take care. John
No. 17 Deena S. (2006.08.14)
Hey Chris! Thanks for checking in with me. It's been an interesting experience so far. The kids can be so energetic and playful. The school is good, everyone's been nice and welcoming. I even got a cake on my birthday! We have a 5 day break right now, so hopefully I can explore Korea more. Oh, and I went to the last Park English get together and got to meet everyone. Deena

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Business License #:107-87-50215, Business Plate #:2011-3180167-14-5-00024, Rep: Jaejin Shim, Meta Education Inc

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