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No. 216 Kaisa (2010.01.06)
Hello Lena

My school is amazing. The director had my apartment stocked with apples, oranges, bread, eggs, etc. and also made sure the internet, cable, and phone were working as soon as I arrived! Again, thank you so much for everything and I'll definitely keep in touch!!

Hope the new year is going well for you,

No. 215 Jillian (2009.12.30)
Hi Mia,

This school is amazing. I would like to thank you so much for sending me here.
The apartment is amazing, and I will move into a newer and better one tomorrow. The director is so friendly and helpful and kind. She is even going to hire my boyfriend and get us an apartment together. The school looks amazing, but there are no students yet as it is winter vacation. I cannot wait to start!
Thanks again for all of your help. I promise to reccomend your recruitment agency to anyone looking for a school in the future.

No. 214 Michael (2009.12.17)
Hi Lena,

I've started work, so far I've been observing classes and putting together small quizes based on reading materials. The school is great! I've only been here two days, but the impression I get is very professional, and the administrators and other teachers have been very helpful in helping me get settled.

Thanks for your help in finding this position and getting me to Korea!

No. 213 Peterson (2009.12.14)
Hello Lena,

Thanks for asking. My stay in Korea so far has been great; the school and apartment have exceeded my expectations. You can highly recommend my location (Guui-dong middle school) to new teachers as the training program as been excellent.

Thanks again,

No. 212 August (2009.12.11)
Hi Lena,

Yes, everything is going okay. Actually, I am really enoying Korea, especially the food and the people. I think it would be nice to stay in touch so I could get some advice from you or Chris now and then.

Thanks again for everything!

No. 211 Annie (2009.12.10)
Hi Mia,

I think I have finally settled in. I have been here for almost a month. I absolutely love Suwon, in fact, I am glad we did not accept a contract in Seoul for our first time. We go to Seoul about every other weekend for fun but it is super crowded. I am not sure that I would enjoy pushing through crowds on a day to day basis.

Everything we need is right here: shopping, dining, and entertainment. I like our school, as well. It was a good choice. The director and his wife seem to be really nice people, and made Kathleen and I feel welcome. In many ways, I feel like we've lucked out. I live approximately a three minute walking distance from the school. My kids are lovely and the curriculum is fairly easy to teach.

I am absolutely enjoying South Korea (the food, the people, and the shoes are all lovely!) and I am thinking of signing up for another year when this contract is over. I have already refered a friend to your services. You have been so helpful placing Kathleen and I together...and you found a good job for us.

I hope you have a beautiful holiday season. Please let us know when we can meet you.

No. 210 Jordan (2009.12.10)
Hello Lena,

Everything is great! I cant thank you enough for placing me in such a great position. It was a little lonely at first but that has changed quickly. Han and Tim are great. So far they have gone out of their way to make sure I have everything I need. Mokpo is amazing. Amy and William are extremely nice and have helped out a lot as well. I'm looking forward to Christmas to meet some friends in Seoul for the weekend. Thanks again and I'll keep in touch.

No. 209 William and Amy (2009.12.07)
Hello Lena

How are you? I am sorry it took so long for Amy and I to respond, but we have been having a wonderful time in Mokpo. The director is incredibly helpful and has been there every step of the way during our adjustment. We have yet to have a negative experience with our job or our city in the two weeks we have been in Korea, and we are truly having a wonderful time. Thank you so much for all the attention and assistance you and the rest of the staff at Park English gave us, and thank you for matching us so perfectly with our position in Mokpo.

William and Amy
No. 208 Andrew (2009.11.19)

After working with several other recruiters, I ended up going with the job offer provided by Park English because they made me feel the most comfortable. There are countless jobs out there, but finding the right one that will work for you is often difficult. Thankfully, Park English helped me find a wonderful school. I had several job offerings from other recruiters, but Mia assured me that they had had great feedback from this school. The foreign teachers at the school have been very welcoming. But even better, all of the Korean teachers have been extremely helpful in ways that have made my experience so much better (like opening a bank account, buying groceries, getting a cell phone and internet, etc.). I consider myself very lucky to be in the position I am now in and owe thanks to Park English for the part they played.
No. 207 Brittany (2009.11.11)

So good to hear from you! I can't believe I've already been here for a week, the time has flown by. I'm settling in really well. I love my placement, my co teacher and the area that I'm living in. Thank you so much for all your help!

No. 206 Julianna (2009.11.04)

I have to say it's been a great experience in Korea so far. To be honest, I was freaking out quite a bit a few days before my flight! I even came close to cancelling it. Now that I'm here I have to say this has been one of the best decisions I have ever made!
My school is huge - I have 20 foreign teachers and Korean teachers, plus 10 teacher assistants. So far they have been a great crew to work with and I have no major complaints. I've made some great friends both at my school and with other foreign teachers not at my school. I'm slowly learning the language and navigating the public transport hasn't been as hard as I thought it would. People have been quite kind and helpful - which helps a great deal to this newbie.
So for my first time out of the country, coming to Korea to teach English has been a great experience and I anticipate it will stay that way! Thanks Mia for helping me through the process and finding me a great school and location to teach in Korea.

No. 205 Emily (2009.11.02)
Hi Lena,

I'm doing well. Richard and Suzi and all the staff, American and Korean, are great. I'm a little nervous about my first day teaching tomorrow, but that's normal. I've already taken a trip to Daegu with one of the other teachers, and I'm settling in well. Thanks again for everything you've done! I really appreciate your help, and I'm so excited for this opportunity.

No. 204 Andrew (2009.10.23)
To Mia (and Lena, of course):

I have been a teacher for over 4 years in three different countries and I have met numerous recruiters along the way. Never, however, had I the pleasure of working with such a professional, yet understanding, agency as Park English. From the first time I contacted Park, the staff, particularly Mia, was helpful and patient. She made numerous calls, tirelessly answered my emails, and generally provided whatever aid I needed before moving to South Korea. I can honestly say that without Park English's help I would not have made it to Seoul. Like many leaving behind their country I had a few doubts, but Mia steadfast encouragement, kind words, and dedication to her job helped me through this difficult process.

I love my job here, one I could not have found without Park English. Everything is going well and I look forward to continuing my life in Korea and expanding my friendship with Lena and Mia.

Andrew Eichel
No. 203 Tyra (2009.10.15)
Hi Lena,
Things are going really well! I have started working and am really busy planning and grading. The other teachers are very nice and helpful, and I like Korean food (what I've tried so far)!
Thanks for all your help!

No. 202 Simon (2009.10.14)
Thank you so much for our wonderful placement. It is everything and more than we had hoped for. The students are great and the school staff is beyond wonderful. One month in and we are settled into teaching routines and events. The facilities are very nice and the workload is very manageable. I can't stress enough how happy we are to be out in the country. Taebaek is a great town, with lots of outdoors adventuring to be had. We have made many friends and are able visit Seoul and Busan whenever we want. Thank you again for the wonderful placement!

No. 201 Tyler (2009.10.13)
Hi Lena,
I thought to myself as I was on my way back home from work yesterday "I should write Lena and tell her how it's going." So your email was just right. Things are going very well here at school. I love my job and am fitting in well. My Korean colleagues and boses are great as are the foreigners. Life in Korea is going smoothly. I'm slowly learning words and phrases to help me get by day to day. I will dedicate time to learn more Korean soon. Last weekend I went to Suwon to visit the old city walls and gates.

Thanks so much for your help and all of Park English's help in finding me a place here in Korea.

No. 200 Cyphar and Holly (2009.10.13)
Hello Lena!!!

We are doing fantastic! We both have enjoyed our first week here in South Korea very much. We have both been so busy and the horrible jet-lag has finally passed. We taught our first class today and it was incredible!

Thank you for all your help with getting us here!



Glad to hear from you! We are doing very well. We are one of those few pairs that arrives and loves everything about teaching and living in Korea. I have already learned the alphabet on a bus ride to Pusan where we went this past weekend for the International Film Festival. Our orientation is over and we started real work today and both enjoyed it though it was very challenging as we have beginning level students in our classes. Still, we are so happy to be in Korea! Things with Richard have been great. He sees our enthusiasm and we deeply appreciate his guidance and suggestions... he is able to help with every aspect of settling in and helping us find what we need both in teaching and the changes here in Korea.


No. 199 Kerri (2009.09.28)
Hi Mia,

How are you doing? I am doing very well in Yeongju. Thank you so much for all of your help. You made the process extremely easy. I could not have made it here without you. Whenever I had a question, no matter how trivial, you were more than willing to help, and for that I am extremely appreciative. The town I am living in is exactly what I hoped for, small, quaint and beautiful. The school I am teaching at is just as lovely.

Thanks again for everything you did for me and hopefully we can meet sometime in the near future!


No. 198 Matt (2009.09.28)
Hello Lena
Oh yeah you did awesome! Thanks again. I definately like the aspect
that if I have any questions or issues I can come back to speak with
you about any concerns. That was a major thing that helped me to
chose to go through your agency. You also did great on working with
me on placement! Thanks a bunch!

No. 197 Laura (2009.09.23)
Working with Mia and the Park English team was a total pleasure. Mia worked very hard to find a placement that suited my personality and that would match the experience I wanted. Communication was very clear and anytime I had a question Mia would respond promptly. My arrival in Korea was easy and there were people to meet me at every stage of my journey. From what I've heard from people who did not go through Park English, I definitely had a superior experience and would strongly recommend them to anyone!

Take care,


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