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No. 236 Zachary (2010.08.18)

We are doing great.Thanks for all your help. We are very excited to see what is ahead. Also we are excited to get into the classroom teaching. Thank you so much for all your help. You have beena great blessing to us. Thank you.


No. 235 Guy Cirton (2010.08.12)
I want to thank you and Lena so much for this opportunity. I'm really happy with where I am. My fellow foreign teachers and Korean teachers are very patient and understanding of what I'm going through in terms of filling out the right paperwork and making sure the kids are on top for their activities. So far (day three) everything is great and I couldn't wish for more.
No. 234 Dylan (2010.07.05)
Hi Mia,

From the first phone call I received up to the first days at my school, the staff at Park English was extremely supportive, kind and quick to answer any questions I had. They made the process of my arrival in Korea completely painless and they were even nice enough to help accommodate my early arrival in country.

Having worked at my school now for almost 4 months I can say with confidence that Park English matched me perfectly. They took my qualifications into account as well as my preferences for where I wanted to work and what type of students I wanted to work with. I have been extremely happy here and Park English's efforts prior to my arrival play no small part in that.
No. 233 Kevin (2010.06.25)

I just wanted to let you know that I was picked up from the station, met with the headmaster and saw my apartment and school. It seems to be a good place and the other teachers enjoy it. Thanks for all the help.

No. 232 Matthew (2010.06.01)
Hello Lena,

Thank you very much for checking up on me. I am feeling great about my new job, and confident that I made the right choice in coming to Korea. Everyone at school has been very nice and helpful.

Today was orientation, and tomorrow, I am on my own, teaching my classes. It might take me a couple weeks to really get up to speed, however, I am confident that I can do it.

If anything changes, I'll be sure to let you know. As it looks now, everything looks fantastic.


No. 231 Keaton (2010.05.17)
I am so sorry that it took so long to get back to you, but I have been soooooooooo busy since I got here!! Everything is going well though and I am really enjoying the school and the director.
Thanks so much for everything!

No. 230 Laura (2010.05.10)
Hi Lena,

Korea is fabulous! I'm glad that I decided to teach in a hagwon here. From what I hear and have seen in school, I can tell that this will be a wonderful place to work! The staff is so supportive and helpful, and the kids are so smart and cute. Thanks so much for making all of this possible.
No. 229 Tory & Dan (2010.05.04)
Hi Mia,

Everything is going quite well. We were able to move into our apartment yesterday and I had my first day of teaching today. We are enjoying Seoul very much and look forward to exploring more of the city and Korea. Thank you very much for all of your help in this long process.
When is the teachers' gathering? If we are able, we will come.
Talk soon.

Tory & Dan
No. 228 Michiko (2010.04.28)
Hi Lena,

Thank you for everything! I had my first day of school today and though I was tired, I enjoyed observing each class. I am actually replacing two teachers so the work load is a bit more than I expected but I am still happy to be here. The director is super sweet and very generous. I feel lucky to be in one of the "better hagwons". Thanks again and please keep me in touch about that gathering you had mentioned.


No. 227 Caleb (2010.04.27)
Hi Lena,

I got here safely, and everything is well, thank you. The director has been very nice, and has been very accommodating to all my needs. I"m very happy to be here, and so far Korea has surpassed all my expectations. I get to meet everyone at the school today, so I'm quiet excited.

Thanks for your help, and I hope someday I can drop by in person to say thank you.


No. 226 Jennifer (2010.04.20)
I would like to thank Mia from Park English for the support throughout the predepature process. Mia made sure to keep me informed every step of the way, and eased all my concerns. I am now teaching in Uijeongbu and am really enjoying my experience. I feel that my position was well picked and I know that I have the support of Park English if anything does goes wrong. Thank you Park English for making my adventure in Korea so enjoyable!

No. 225 Tyler (2010.03.23)
Hello Lena,

I just finished my first week of work and getting ready for week two! I think it is a good fit and I really like the job and the city. Thanks for being so helpful during this process.

No. 224 David (2010.03.15)
Hi Mia,

When I began to consider working abroad, I checked out several web-sites and sent out e-mails indicating my interest. Nobody responded with the promptness and courteousness of Park English. I was so glad to receive actual phone calls from staff members, instead of dealing strictly with impersonal e-mails. Park English set up an interview for me with an excellent employer, and I was able to sign a contract in very little time. I am quite happy in Korea right now, living in a great area and employed at a school with people that I respect and enjoy working with.

Working abroad can be very intimidating, and I am very grateful to Park English for making the process so smooth and comfortable.
No. 223 Hope (2010.03.08)
Hi Mia,

I'm doing great! How are you doing? I am loving it here in Korea. The apartment is so nice and small. I have everything i need! I appreciate all of your help throughout this process. I am very pleased with your services.

When is the teacher gathering? Keep me posted and stay in touch!


No. 222 Linsay (2010.03.05)
Hi Mia,

Things are great here! I'm settled into my apt and started teaching today and I love it! Both the Korean and foreign teachers have been really helpful and the administration is very welcoming... and of course the children are adorable! The apartment is working out well and I love the area I'm living in; it's so close to the school it's awesome. Thanks for checking in on me, everything is great. Hope to see you soon!

No. 221 Kristina (2010.03.04)
Hi Mia

I finally arrived in Seoul! I am going to the school around 2:30pm today to meet everyone. The flight was surprisingly okay. It was not bad at all! My school director met me at my hotel. She was really nice. I'm excited to meet the rest of my co-workers.

Let me know when we can get together soon!

No. 220 Jerika (2010.03.02)
Hello, Lena!

The flight from Toronto to Korea was excellent! Korean Air is such a great airline to fly with. I was picked up from the airport and brought straight to my apartment which was really new and more spacious than I expected. The director and his wife are incredibly sweet and kind and go out of their way to make my transition here comfortable. I'll write you if I need anything else! Thanks for all your help and support during this whole process! Talk to you soon!

No. 219 Marilyn (2010.03.02)
Hi Lena,

The school has been really nice so far here in Korea. The other staff members have been great as well. Thank you for placing me here. You were right, it's a good place to be. Thanks,

No. 218 Nicole (2010.02.23)
Hi Lena,
Thank you so much for all your help! I am doing good and I have started my orientation here. I am really happy with the school and I am so glad to have found such a great contract through you!

Best Regards,
No. 217 Anna (2010.02.22)
Hi Lena-

Thank you so much for all your help and helping me get a position at a wonderful school. :) We started orientation today. I am looking forward to a great year and am very excited.
Again, thank you for all your help!


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