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No. 176 Kevin (2009.06.04)
Hi Lena!

I am alive and well in Osan. Still getting my bearings straight. I had my first two days of classes and the work is very enjoyable! School is really great. The teachers and students are endearing. The school is nice and well equipped. I really like the location of the officetel, it is so convenient!

Just a few obstacles here and there. I just went today to get my health check in order to get my alien registration card. Then I can get a cell phone under my name and my own internet service. I think the toughest part right now is living without a cell phone. I love the authentic food here. I eat all the banchan and kimchee!

I will start to venture out to Seoul and other parts of South Korea on the weekends once I get my phone. Please let me know of delicious jjajjangmyun, soondae, jjolmyun, and kalkuksoo restaurants!

Thank you Lena!
No. 175 Mark (2009.06.02)
Park English were very helpful and supportive during the often complex process of getting the Korean teaching visa. They were happy to answer any questions I had, and set up us with interviews for very good schools. I am now teaching in a great school in Chung Ju and would not hesitate to recommend Park English to anyone.

Mark Shenton
No. 174 Arthur (2009.06.02)
Hello Park English

I want to thank Park English for helping me through the visa process while applying to jobs in Korea. They were always there to answer any questions and always got back to me promtply.

They found a great location for me at the school in Seoul. All the people that I have worked with at Park English made the transition from home to abroad incredibly smooth.

Thank you Park English!

No. 173 Kimberly (2009.06.01)
Hello Lena and Park English team

My experience with Park English has been absolutely amazing! A little over 3 months ago I decided I was ready to travel abroad to teach english. I am a certified teacher with 17 years experience and gave up all the comforts of a steady job and career in America to see the world. From the first email and phone call to Park English the people have been extremely knowladgeable, helpful, kind, and effective in their recruitment process.

Through out the process of securing a job, the interview with a foreign school supervisor, the job offer, understanding the yearly salary, signing of the contract, the visa process, flight arrangements,living quarters, and staying in contact with me during the traveling process, Park English has been there every step of this amazing journey. I am very appreciative for all that has been done and the manner in which it has been carried out and I look forward to continuing to work with Park English in the future as I continue to travel around the world and teach. It has been a dream come true for me and I am happily living and working in South Korea, which is an amazing place to be.

A very special thank you to Lena, who has worked with me from the beginning and has been amazing to work with during this journey.


No. 172 April (2009.05.29)
Hey Mia,

The job is going great. It has a great atmosphere like I wanted and I just moved into my apartment the other day. The previous teacher was very helpful to get me started. I think the kids are so cute and they give a lot of love. The call for me all the the time "April Teacher, April Teacher, I love you!" The little ones are rewarding, giving me hugs everyday already. Thanks for your help!

No. 171 Casey (2009.05.28)
Hi Mia,

I never thought I would be returning to Korea to teach but after losing my job as a result of the economy, I found myself in the familiar territory of searching through what seemed like hundreds of recruitment agencies. What made Park English stand out was not only an informative and "teacher friendly" website but a staff of recruiters who truly listened to what I wanted and tried to fit my own requirements and requests in matching me with a school. I never felt like I was just another quota or warm body being shoved into any available spot.
Chris was easy to talk to and Mia was accessible and quick to respond to any question or concern I might have along the way. At the same time, I had been working with other recruiters but the options they came up with always fell short with what I had asked for. Park English delivered.
I've been back in Seoul for about a month and I couldn't be happier with my current position. The school is great, the supervisors and director are very warm and welcoming and I love my kids!! The rest of the foreign teachers are so nice (I'm actually working with some of the same teachers on this very testimonial page!) and I'm really excited about the rest of this year.
I would most certainly recommend using Park English if you are considering teaching in Korea!
No. 170 Sheila (2009.05.21)
Hello Lena and Park English Team

When I decided that my next adventure in life would be teaching in South Korea I did a lot of research to find the perfect recruiter. Everything I read about Park English was positive and I tried really hard to find something bad about them. I am SO HAPPY I chose this agency. I spent at least an hour on the phone with Chris and he answered all of my initial questions and then passed me along to Lena. Lena, thank you so much for all of your attention and help. I would have been so lost without you. When I emailed you a question you always responded immediately. The job you set me up with in Suwon is perfect for me. I love the school and the other English teachers are fantastic. Many of my friends are thinking about teaching English in South Korea when they saw how easy it was for me to get a wonderful job. I have been passing your name along to all of them! I cannot thank you enough!

I've been teaching on my own all week. So far I really like it! This weekend the other teachers are taking me to Seoul!

Have a wonderful day,
No. 169 David (2009.05.19)
Hey Lena,

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I've been consumed by Korea! I really like it here. But to inform you, yes, I'm doing well. The school has been extremely hospitable and I couldn't have asked for a better transition.

Thank you so much for all of your help! Hope all is well!

Take care,

Dave Dillon
No. 168 Mario (2009.05.19)
Hey Lena,

South Korea's been very good to me so far. Today was my first day teaching my own classes, and it went very well. My co-workers are all very friendly, and they've been showing me around the area. This weekend, we're going on a company retreat with hiking and some noribong, both of which I am very excited about.

Thanks again for helping me through the process!

Kamsa hameeda,
No. 167 Mike (2009.05.15)
Hi Lena,

Things are going very well here. Kim and Sunny have been very helpful in welcoming me to Yeosu and the school. I've worked two days this week, and so far everything has gone well.

Thank you for all your help.

No. 166 Don (2009.05.15)
Hello Mia.

Korea is different to Japan in many ways, but also kind of similar. Its hard to explain. I guess I could say that, to me, Korea feels more westernized. Shopping and getting things that I need is easier here. I can find clothing that fits, and the toothpaste, shampoo, etc. does not feel as different as it does in Japan.
For my testimonial

The flight was long, and I always dread on flying on United. Although it was not as nice as Singapore Air or Emirates, it was much better than Air Canada. The first time I came to Japan, the school I worked for arranged for me to fly on Air Canada, and it was awful. The food was possibly the worse airline food I have ever had, and there were a group of teenagers screaming and yelling on the plane. The staff said nothing to them.

When I arrived in Korea and got through immigration and customs, a taxi driver was waiting with a sign at the airport for me. He took my bags from me, loaded them into a taxi, and drove me to my apartment.

This was a pleasant surprise for me. When I went to Japan the first time, a representative from the school met and a group of three other teachers at the airport, help us arrange to have our bags ground shipped to our apartments, gave us an address to our apartments and jobs, and a key, and left us at the airport. We were on our own finding our own way to our accommodation on the rail network.

When I arrived at my apartment, I found a representative of the school waiting for me with a pizza. He took me around the neighborhood and show me where the connivance stores were located, where the good places to eat were, and how to use the appliances in my apartment. Again, this was a pleasant surprise as I was not expecting this. The apartment was much larger than I had expected, as it is approximately double the size of the one I lived in when I lived in Japan.

The Korean staff at the school is very supportive and helpful. Anything I need (such as dry cleaning, haircuts, assistance with shopping, visits to the doctor, etc.) a representative from the school assists with. Again, this was a pleasant surprise as I was used to being on my own for these things in Japan.

Although I have only been here for three weeks now, I must say that my that this is turning into a wonderful experience. Thank you so much for finding me this school.
No. 165 Vanessa (2009.05.15)
The services I received from Park English were truly invaluable to me in my search for employment in South Korea. Not only was Mia able to find me a position in the exact location I was interested in, a representative from Park English met me at the airport and delivered me right to my new doorstep. I would recommend Park English to anyone looking for continuous guidance and support in an industry that often presents itself to be quite overwhelming.

Hope everything is going well for you. Thanks again, Vanessa
No. 164 Ramiro (2009.05.15)
My name is Ramiro and I used your agency and was put at a job in Daegu. That was 3 years ago. I liked the job so much that I renewed 2 more times.

Thank you.

No. 163 Layla (2009.04.27)
Hello Lena

Thank you Lena for placing me in the best possible situation! You placed me quickly, yet took the time to find the right job and area for me. I am very happy here. My new bosses are extra nice and caring, and the other teachers are all friendly. The area is very scenic and quiet. I have been able to see so much in my short time here so far and look forward to exploring more in the future. This will be a great year!


No. 162 Kimberly (2009.03.26)
Park English is a terrific organization! I found an ad for a job
and applied with them, within 24 hours I had received a response!
Mia was very helpful and energetic in placing me. Throughout the
entire process, she was there guiding me the entire way. It took
about 3 weeks to get me here and there was rarely a day that I did
not receive a call from her. The school that I was placed at is
very nice and located in a nice area of Ilsan. I am close to
everything and my school is only a 10 minute walk. I have been very
pleased with my experience and I would use Park English again!

No. 161 Lana (2009.03.19)
Hi Lena,

Sorry it took me a while to write back. I have been busy. The
school is a great school. The foreign teachers and Korean teachers
are very helpful. I'm actually doing work here instead of just
sitting around. They have a set curriculum which is a good thing.

Nowon is a great place and the Koreans are all nice. My apartment
is pretty nice. It is right next to some of the stores and
restaurants. There is nothing more that I could ask for. Thank you
Lena for your help and for being patient with me during the visa
procedure. I would definately recommend Park English to anyone who
is looking for a teaching job in Korea!

No. 160 Adam (2009.03.17)
Things have been fantastic in my first week. The directors of the
school, Mr and Mrs Lee are great. Su Jung Lee has been taking time 1
giving me training and supervising my classes. She has been so
helpful and kind. As has all the other teachers, both Korean and

The students are good kids. I have been blown away by their level
of intelligence and the speed at which they learn. It is very
humbling to meet them and a joy to teach. Sometimes some of the
students can be a bit restless but is hardly surprising when I know
how hard they work all day in education.

The apartment is great - I couldn't believe my luck - there is a
mountain right next to me and the exit of my apartment block is
right next to a mountain path! The living conditions are just what
I expected. Mr Lee checked with me that everything is ok too and
told me not to hesitate to tell him if an problems arise. One big
bonus about this area too is that there is a great gym just across
the road too!

So all in all I am one happy English teacher! Thanks for finding me
this amazing job! I will come back to Park English again next time.

Thanks to you and your team for making my experience with finding
work in Korea a smooth and easy one!

Cheers Lena

Big thanks,

No. 159 Tricia (2009.03.16)
Hello Lena.

I hope all is well with you and everyone at Park
English. I just wanted to write and let you know that I am having a
great time here in Korea, and I wouldn't be here without the help
and patience of you and Chris. From day one you went above and
beyond what I expected from a recruiter. I know it wasn't easy with
the issues I had with getting my Apostille and all, but you all
really did an awesome job helping me in every way possible. I am in
a great school in Jukjeon, and couldn't ask for a better placement.
I have already recommended Park English to some prospects, and will
continue to do so! Thank you for everything, and I hope to meet you
sometime in the next year!
Thanks again!
No. 158 Corey (2009.03.09)
Hi there Lena

I just wanted to thank you for helping me with the necessary
processes to teach english here, you made the entire process a
positive and relatively stress free endeavor. The school and my co
workers are all pleasant and happy with their placements so again,
thank you sincerely.

No. 157 Stephanie DeMott (2009.03.09)
This is my second year teaching in Korea, but my first looking for
a job through a recruiter. I had heard some horror stories of bad
recruiters, so I applied through about 5 of them in hopes that I
would find one that stood above the rest and helped me find a job
that was a good match. Lena from Park English called me right away
to talk about what I was looking for and gave me some jobs to look
over. I kept looking on the Park English site as well and found a
job that looked really good. Literally 2 minutes after I sent an
email mentioning that school I received a phone call from Mia. That
position had already been filled, but Mia quickly found a job very
similar, where I work now. While other recruiters treated me like I
was just one of a billion other teachers, Park English treated me
like I was worth a good job in a good area. Mia helped me through
the whole process, and I'm very pleased with my school. Thank you
so much for being such a great help! You really worked hard for me
and I felt like you really cared where I was placed.

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