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No. 196 Daniel (2009.09.02)
Hey Lena,

Everything has been great so far, we were picked up by Andrew when we arrived and everything went smoothly. Turns out we have our own apartments right beside each other in the same building so John and I are happy about how its all worked out. Things at our school are going really well, we have a few open classes this week but won't be starting full-time until September 7th (as our boss is giving us some time to rest and adjust to the time zone). All in all I have no complaints, things are good, everything is extremely convienent, and I'm looking forward to starting next week. Feel free to drop me an e-mail whenever, we should definitely meet up some time in the near future!

Best regards,

No. 195 John (2009.09.02)
Hey lena,
everything is going really good! our apartments are great and the school is very close.
we are enjoying seoul, the food is great and all the people are so friendly thanks for everything, hopefully we will meet you sometime soon!


No. 194 David (2009.08.31)
Hi Lena

Sorry its taken a while to reply. All is good here thanks. Everyone i am working with is really nice and helpful. Thank you for all your help getting this job.

Best wishes

No. 193 George (2009.08.17)
Hello Lena,

Thank you for checking on me. Things are going pretty well. Songpa is a nice area, and the other teachers at my school are very friendly.


No. 192 Emily (2009.08.11)
Hi Lena :)

Everything is great! I just moved into my apartment last Thursday and it's great! The school is awesome too! I really like the people I work with and the kids!

Thanks so much for everything!
No. 191 Jennifer (2009.08.06)
To Lena,

Hello, thank you for the email, I have been having difficulty getting internet access, so I didn't get a chance to email you. I just wanted to say thank you for all the help you've given me and the constant communication from the U.S. to here. I hope you're doing well.

Best regards,
No. 190 Robert (2009.08.03)
Hello Ms.Lena,

School is great. I like the students.
I really like the people I work with. Love Korean society.

Thank you.


No. 189 Brandie (2009.08.03)
Hello Lena,

Everything is going beautifully in Korea! I really am in love with the city and am thankful of the timing of my arrival as I have had a lot of time to get settled in and see a lot of things! I also think that I am really going to enjoy working. All of my coworkers have been very friendly and helpful and the kids are just so adorable!

Thanks again for all of your help!

Best Wishes,
No. 188 Brian and Dana (2009.08.03)
Hey Mia, Brian and Dana here.

Wow, it¡¯s been 2 weeks since we landed at Incheon. Looking back, the whole process of getting all of the documents that were needed is just a blur. We are here teaching and that¡¯s all that matters now.

Our school here is great. It¡¯s filled with great teachers, students, and administration. As soon as we stepped inside the school we were treated as thought we had been teaching there for some time. We quickly were showed the ropes and began teaching after three days of training and observation.

We are so happy that we made the decision to teach in South Korea. Park English made the whole process as easy as possible. Mia and Chris were both extremely helpful. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity!

Brian and Dana
No. 187 Riaan (2009.07.30)
Within a day of contacting Park English I already had a job offer. My agent, Mia, was friendly helpful & helped get the process started in record time. It has been a total pleasure dealing with her and Park English. My school is reliable, settled and a complete dream compared to the job my previous agency got me. I will only be dealing with Park English in future!!!
No. 186 Nick (2009.07.29)
Hi Lena,

I am great! I am at my new school right now. Everyone here is very kind and helpful. I am very thankful that you found this school for me. I haven't forgotten about my promise to invite you out for a drink or something. We will have to arrange it after my first paycheck though.

Anyway, all is good. I am enjoying everything so far. I hope you are well, too! Thank you for the check-up. Talk with you soon.
No. 185 Ben (2009.07.29)

Hey, it's Ben. I made it to Korea! I am now enjoying Suwon - this place is amazing. I think I'm really going to like it here. Taking a trip to Seoul tomorrow. Once again, thank you for your help! °í¸¿½À´Ï´Ù!

No. 184 Katie (2009.07.27)
Thank-you so much for all of your help over these past few months! I was so impressed with how personable Park English was and how quick you were to answer all my questions and help me with my concerns. From beginning to end of the job placement process you were fantastic. I have been whole-heartedly recommending Park English as a recruitment agency to all of my friends and I will continue to do so in the future. Thanks again for helping me get started!!!
No. 183 John (2009.07.17)
Hey Lena,
Things are good. I am teaching a lower level than I thought I might be, but I am finding that I really enjoy the kids. I was worried a bit by some of the blogs I read before coming over, but I suppose the people that blog are miserable to begin with, being that they are home writing online, rather than out doing stuff. The teachers here are great and I found a good church in Gangnam. Also, the director is super nice.

Thank you.

No. 182 Jennifer (2009.07.16)
Park English and all its agents has been incredibly helpful in finding a suitable position for myself, my friend and my boyfriend when we first began looking into going to Korea. They were easy to contact and quick to respond. From day one, they offered as much support (both in the paperwork process and with any cultural questions) as was possible. When speaking on the phone, Mia and Lena (the two agents I was in contact with) were very friendly and easy to talk with. I have now been in Korea for almost three weeks and am loving the school I was placed at. If you choose to work with Park English, you have made a wonderful decision and I hope you have as fabulous an experience as I am having! Thank you, Park English

Alright, hope that is helpful Mia!
No. 181 James (2009.07.07)
Hey Lena

Where do I start? I started my job search process with another recruiting agency. I will withhold the name. 2 months into it, with no potential position in site, I decided to contact Lena, from a referral. Long story short, I was flying out to Korea 3 weeks later.

Lena went above and beyond her duties in making the whole visa process effortless. I was writing her emails, and receiving responses a few minutes later on many occassions and she never hesitated to call me when things needed to be explained in further detail. I highly recommend Lena to anyone who wants a smooth and headache free transition to Korea

Thank you for all the help that you've given me. You made this whole process a breeze and I really appreciate everything!

No. 180 Peter (2009.07.05)
Hey Lena,

Everything is going great. I started teaching on Thursday and am settling into my apartment.

Thank you for everything,

No. 179 Jonathan (2009.07.02)
Hi Lena

it's great to hear from you!

Things are going well. I moved into my apartment yesterday and it's nice. They're cleaning it tomorrow and stuff, and I'm slowly learning my way around. The teachers here are all pretty nice too.

Also I just want to say that you were great in helping me set up this experience. I'm very grateful!

No. 178 Victoria (2009.06.23)

Sorry for the delayed response. I hope all is well with you! Thank you so very much for your assistance in locating a position for me in South Korea. The country is more beautful than I originally thought. Once I contacted ParkEnglish, I thought it would take several months to process my paperwork, get a visa, find a job, etc, however with your assistance, I was on a plane to South Korea with my contract in hand within a month. Thank you once again for your willingness to help and your constant phone calls/emails keeping me up to date on the process. Mia, you made the transistion very easy. I suggest anyone interested teaching English in South Korea to use ParkEnglish and more importantly, to use Mia as their recuiter!!!
No. 177 Andrew (2009.06.19)
Teacher Testimonial

I have recently started my second year of teaching English in Korea. I found Park English to be helpful and friendly throughout the entire recruitment process and beyond. Their staff were organised and quick to answer any questions, and due to their efforts, I was able to come to Korea with the knowledge and confidence that the job, school and apartment were of high standards. I had read that Park English is a reliable and efficient recruitment agency, and I have found that the reality had exceeded my expectations.


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