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  Garbage Disposal
- download : SHC-Garbage_Disposal[1].pdf (1.08 MB) , Download : 11020

Garbage Disposal in Korea


Garbage Disposal in Korea

Korea uses a system called "jongnyangje" for the effective collection of garbage wastes and the reuse of natural resources. All garbage you produce must be disposed of properly, and you may be fined otherwise. Garbage must be separated according to whether it is "common garbage" (ilban sseuregi), food waste (eumsikmul sseuregi), recyclable (jaehwal yongpum), and large waste objects (daehyeong pyegimul). Ask your neighbors, your city or neighborhood government authorities, or the management office in your apartment complex about disposal days and proper methods of disposal.


Purchasing Garbage Bags

In cities, regulation garbage bags may be purchased at supermarkets or convenience stores in your neighborhood. In rural areas they may be purchased at the local government offices or through the local women's association(bunyeohoe). There are generally six or seven sizes; 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 liters, and prices vary according to size.


Disposal Procedures

(1) Common Garbage Use regulation bags and place outside. Ask the building owner or a neighbor about where to place

     them. If you don't use regulation bags, your garbage will not be collected.

(2) Food Waste Remove all moisture and anything that cannot be eaten by livestock, then use a regulation bag for

     disposal. In areas where there are collection boxes dedicated for food waste disposal, you do not need to use

     regulation bags. Food waste produced by families and restaurants have high moisture levels, making incineration

     difficult, and the moisture continues to seep out in the landfill, which in turn pollutes water resources.

(3) Recyclable Items Materials that are recyclable such as plastic, cans, bottles, and paper should be put in a clear

     plastic bag or even a sandbag-like bag and put in the appropriate spot on collection day. Spray cans, cooking-gas

     cans, and other such things can explode, so put a hole in these to make sure they are completely empty.

     Paper: Tie newspapers, calendars, magazines, or notebooks in 30 cm bundles. (Ensure cartons are cleaned before

     disposing of them.)

     Glass: Wine, soft drink and medicine bottles must be cleaned before disposing of them.

     Scrap iron: Metal chairs, albata (German silver), stainless steel, etc. should be collected separately.

     Cans: Beer, soft drink and powdered milk cans should be compressed before disposing of them.

     Plastics: Detergent and shampoo containers should be disposed of only after they have been rinsed with water

(4) Large Waste Objects Televisions, washing machines, other home electronics and large items of garbage that cannot

     be placed in bags should be placed in the collection spot after attaching a sticker purchased at your local dong office

     or where you purchase your regulation bags.



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