Apostille In Korea
If you are currently in Korea, you may get the apostille in Korea from a consulat stamp for your criminal background check. This will be accepted by the Korean immigration for certain countries, not all countries available. Please refer to list below.
Please contact your country embassy in Korea and ask them if they can do it. Ask for the cost and see if an appointment is required.
American Embassy in Korea
Tel: +82 (02) 397 4114
You should go in person
Yes, this service is provided
Australian Embassy in Korea
Tel: 02 2003 0100
British Embassy in Korea
Tel:+82 (02) 3210 5500
fee: 27 pounds (Approx. 52,000 won)
Canadian Embassy in Korea
Tel Seoul: 02 3783 6000
Busan: 051 204 5581
Ireland Embassy in Korea
Tel: 02 774 6455
Yes, this service is provided
New Zealand Embassy in Korea
Tel: 02 3701 7700
No, New Zealand Embassy does not provide this service. You must get the Apostille in New Zealand.
South Africa Embassy in Korea
Tel: 02 792 4855
Yes, this service is provided |